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Posted: 1 year, 11 months ago
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For starters, I have had a class b for four years and have never used it. The foreman at my job made everyone get them. There are 45 of us and only 6 people drive anything requiring it. If I ever planned on bidding a job or getting a job that required me to use it, this question would not be asked.
3 years ago, I had a heart attack. I go to the cardiologist every year, do a stress test every year, and he said I'm healthy and doing great.
That being said, I haven't disclosed that I've had a heart attack when I do my dot physical. Not so much for fear of not being able to hold it, but for fear of if I can now get in trouble for not disclosing it earlier. And if my employer will find out once the dot knows.
I'm kind of stuck. Like I said, I don't use it and I never will, but I'm required to have it. And I'm not sure what my employer will do if they find out.
So, two part question, I guess.
Should I disclose it now, and if so, can I get in trouble for not doing so earlier? Also, once the dot examiner knows, will my employer now have that information?
Posted: 1 year, 11 months ago
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Dot physical
Thanks for the advise. I know I effed up. Wish I would have found this site a year ago.
I figured the question would anger some. And, unfortunately, I'm sure I'm not the only one that has not been truthful at the physical.
I will disclose it at my next one. Not sure how I will explain it, but the truth is probably the best bet.
Otherwise I'll talk to my foreman and see if they can take it off my job bid so I don't have to do another physical.
Greg M.. I have passed a dot physical since then, and my LVEF is 57.9.