What Tucker is referring to is the Administrative end of the event of testing posative. For example: Your employer tests you and that comes back posative. The employer is then required to report this to FMCSA. Or more specifically the FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse. Drug "Violation" is the term the Clearinghouse uses in the event of a posative test for drugs. The verbiage of the response to the question of " How long will a violation stay on my FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Clearing house record" states "Five years or until sucessful cometion of the DOT SAP RTD process [(Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Program Return to Duty)] which ever comes first. Marijuana is no longer legally or medically considered a serious (cant recall the term (Schedule something)) drug in California. But remains so federally. So this too will cause the staggering amount of career, employment, and reputational destruction as methamphetamine. In my opinion, some attempt should be made to determine severity or frequency or how much, how long type of info. We may be operating a vehicle with 40 tons and all, and that is a very valid concern but we also dont make the same judgements for those who drink alcohol on their time off. And as far as things staying in you system and affecting reaction and judgement I will admit a serious difference, but meth stays in your system no longer than alcohol and marijuana stays in your system for 3 months. So there is a less than reasonable judgement being made between the chemicals. Im certainly not defending any drug use at all but that includes alcohol. And we all accept alcohol. Whatever the case, someone may enjoy a joint on the weekend and not be a pot head. Likewise someone may take meth occasionally and not be a tweaker with scabs and rotting teeth. Just as someone may have consumed alcohol over their days off and.not be a crazy ass alcoholic. And, as we know, alcohol is a serious violation.
Tucker, explain to us what a drug test violation is. I've never heard of one.
I'm starting to wonder if we don't understand what happened. Normally you pass or fail a drug test and there's not much recourse if you fail. I've simply never heard anyone refer to having a drug test violation.
Can you elaborate and be more clear and specific with us?
Maybe we are understanding. Maybe you prefer being really vague because it helps you develop a sense of being a victim instead of taking responsibility for your issues and facing the consequences. I'm not accusing you of anything. I just wonder why you seem to feel the way you do but the rest of us can't even understand what your true situation is. The key to having someone help you is to give them accurate information.
Posted: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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Drug test violation that I got cleared popped back up on my record
What Tucker is referring to is the Administrative end of the event of testing posative. For example: Your employer tests you and that comes back posative. The employer is then required to report this to FMCSA. Or more specifically the FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse. Drug "Violation" is the term the Clearinghouse uses in the event of a posative test for drugs. The verbiage of the response to the question of " How long will a violation stay on my FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Clearing house record" states "Five years or until sucessful cometion of the DOT SAP RTD process [(Department of Transportation Substance Abuse Program Return to Duty)] which ever comes first. Marijuana is no longer legally or medically considered a serious (cant recall the term (Schedule something)) drug in California. But remains so federally. So this too will cause the staggering amount of career, employment, and reputational destruction as methamphetamine. In my opinion, some attempt should be made to determine severity or frequency or how much, how long type of info. We may be operating a vehicle with 40 tons and all, and that is a very valid concern but we also dont make the same judgements for those who drink alcohol on their time off. And as far as things staying in you system and affecting reaction and judgement I will admit a serious difference, but meth stays in your system no longer than alcohol and marijuana stays in your system for 3 months. So there is a less than reasonable judgement being made between the chemicals. Im certainly not defending any drug use at all but that includes alcohol. And we all accept alcohol. Whatever the case, someone may enjoy a joint on the weekend and not be a pot head. Likewise someone may take meth occasionally and not be a tweaker with scabs and rotting teeth. Just as someone may have consumed alcohol over their days off and.not be a crazy ass alcoholic. And, as we know, alcohol is a serious violation.