Profile For Jose A.

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Posted:  1 year, 3 months ago

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Trucking jobs that hire with one preventable accident

Hey guys my names Jose I’ve read many posts on here over the years and finally signed up to ask about any jobs that hire with a preventable accident on record. My company terminated me after the wreck there were no injuries but my cabin was ripped open as I hit a truck parked on the shoulder in Missouri. I reside in Kentucky. I didn’t see him and of course it’s was my fault as I went over the line on the rumble strips and tried to swerve back but couldn’t completely avoid him. It is a small company so I know it was insurance purposes and any other excuse they had which was my pretrip inspections. Which I can explain I was having the water temp warning come up and had to pull over I was told to check coolant and didn’t think to check oil as everytime I was home I mentioned I seen oil dripping but mechanics said there was no oil leak. When I got back the last time I guess some gasket was spewing all the oil out over the engine and hood and since I didn’t check it that day(which I should’ve I know) they held it against me. They didn’t write me up just told me to keep checking it. I wrecked two days later and it was one of the reasons they fired me. I’ve never wrecked anything ever but did in my CV I’m afraid I’ll only have an opportunity at a larger carrier because of insurance purposes just wanted to hear of any to check out with that on my cdls. Thanks in advance.

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