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Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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I was terminated from Schneider 1 month before I made a year for safety violation. Schneider claim I did not secure the container to the chassis. That the front of the container was sitting on the pins. They said I took the container from the rail yard but could not tell me what rail yard. When I asked to see the container, they showed me pictures of the container but never let me see where the container was located. 1) there is no was I took a container from a railway with the container being on the front pin. That is something you can see just walking up to the container. 2) The rail yard would not have cleared inspection for me to leave. 3) They would not send me pictures of the the container. 4) I never received termination paperwork.
No, I do not have a spotless record. I do have providable incidents on my record. But those where in my first few months of working and they were for going to fast around curves, breaking a light with my mallet. The worst one was at the Samsung yard in San Diego and that according to personnel working there, happens on the regular because of the way the yard is made.
Schneider has made it very hard for me to get another truck driving and my unemployment was denied because of them. I want to fight the termination but have no money for a lawyer. Can someone tell me what I should do? Thanks.
Posted: 1 year, 7 months ago
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I was terminated from Schneider 1 month before I made a year for safety violation. Schneider claim I did not secure the container to the chassis. That the front of the container was sitting on the pins. They said I took the container from the rail yard but could not tell me what rail yard. When I asked to see the container, they showed me pictures of the container but never let me see where the container was located. 1) there is no was I took a container from a railway with the container being on the front pin. That is something you can see just walking up to the container. 2) The rail yard would not have cleared inspection for me to leave. 3) They would not send me pictures of the the container. 4) I never received termination paperwork.
No, I do not have a spotless record. I do have providable incidents on my record. But those where in my first few months of working and they were for going to fast around curves, breaking a light with my mallet. The worst one was at the Samsung yard in San Diego and that according to personnel working there, happens on the regular because of the way the yard is made.
Schneider has made it very hard for me to get another truck driving and my unemployment was denied because of them. I want to fight the termination but have no money for a lawyer. Can someone tell me what I should do? Thanks.