Profile For Chase H.

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Posted:  1 year ago

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How long will my DAC be impactful? A year, two years?

"There's no good news for you. That does not mean you can't get hired."

Ok well shoot. Anyway, thank you for that information. It's a big help and I want to get out there asap.

Posted:  1 year ago

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How long will my DAC be impactful? A year, two years?

So I drove as a rookie for 8 months before my fiancé got pregnant with our second and I quit. During that time I had two small accidents, both resulting in small dents. Nothing major, both in parking lots. However they were both within 4 months of each other. They are not on my driving record but of course they are on my DAC. I know this because when I went to apply to another company last year they said "we would love to have you but those two accidents are no go for us." So I haven't been driving since last year and I am itching to get back out there. Should I wait another year, two years? Thanks guys, anything is helpful.

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