Profile For Lydia D.

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Posted:  11 years ago

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Husband/Wife Team - Brand New!

Hi there! My husband and I have been severely disappointed with life, with our jobs, and with our debts for years. We are 23 and 25 (soon to be 24 and 26) and the other day my husband comes to me and presents this idea of becoming truck drivers to get out of our rut. He has worked at a dead-end customer service job for 3 years, and recently talked to a few truckers that encouraged him to go for it, and get me on board too! We don't have kids and holidays have never been a big deal to us. He did his research and we discussed it for 3 hours the other night. We both are really excited to give this a go! It seems like the happiest times in our relationship has been when we were traveling together. I am currently doing my own research am so glad I found this website! So I have some questions:

1. We are looking at joining with CRST. Have any of you worked with this company? If so, what are the best/worst aspects? Are their any other companies that are great for couples?

2. What are the requirements for becoming a trucker? I have a couple of things on my record (a misdemeanor from 5 years ago, none drug related, a speeding ticket from about 4 years ago, and a seat belt citation from 3 months ago) and was wondering if any of that would prohibit me? (His record is clean, BTW.)

3. What is it like on the road? How do you cope with spending all that time together?

4. Should we start studying now even though we are going through a training program in a few months (hopefully)?

I know I can read articles about all of these questions, but I wanted something more personal from you lovely people, the good, bad, and ugly. Thank you all so much for your time, and please feel free to throw in any extras you feel I might need/find helpful :D

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