Profile For Donald S.

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Posted:  10 months, 1 week ago

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Experienced but can’t get a local position

I am a Driver who Started in 1998. In 2018 my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. In 2020 COVID became known to the masses. I was working locally at that time but the local company was laying off Drivers due to the loosing accounts and work was slow. During the time people were dying everywhere and since my wife’s immune system was still low and on Chemo pills I resolved to just leave trucking for a few seasons. I returned this year to trucking and only to find out Ican’t seem to get any local work in spite of years of experience behind the wheel

“People who have as much time behind the wheel as I have should not have this issue as it like riding a bike you can never forget because it all comes naturally”

I currently have written governors and senators and I have lawsuits underway to fight this kind of injustice perpetrated by Truck insurance agencies and outdated laws that need refining to fit Drivers who face financial problems who are truly experienced who can’t find local work because of time needed time off.

P & C Insurance companies are not to blame alone but old laws that allow the kind of behavior predicted upon trucking companies that cause company compliances to get away with discriminatory action under the guise of those compliances

These compliance Polices are unacceptable when it comes down to Drivers with years of experience and are in need of local work. New laws will allow Carriers to hire Drivers with experience as long as they have ben behind the Wheel within the. Last 7-years and have had at least a 5 years work history prior to preceding the 7 from the time they initially re-entered the industry for work. I believe it is a more current and fair undertaking to give justice to Carriers and to True. experience Drivers in the Trucking Industry.

This undertaking unfortunately may take years to accomplish so the final addendum will be that of Grandfathering Drivers in within a certain timeframe

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