Profile For Alex E.

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Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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How should I resign?

Hi all, I currently work for the orange pumpkin. My 1 year anniversary is coming soon, and I really would like to leave this company to find something local (but not before going on a vacation first).

I live in and work in Illinois on a dedicated account. My truck's parking location is at one of the company's drop yards, not OCs. Would any issues arise if I quit without notice during my home time while my truck is parked at the drop lot? How should I go about quitting?

Side note: I had a minor accident many months back. I tried working with my DBL to get the damages fixed, but they never routed me to an OC. They mentioned doing it for my annual PM, but I'd have to pay for an Uber or find some other way to the drop lot to pick up my personal vehicle. I told them no way. Again, I really want to leave the company but I also want to cover my applejacks lol

Posted:  1 year, 1 month ago

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First incident

Thanks to everyone for their replies! It means a lot.

Update: I bit the bullet and spoke with safety and my boss. They liked what they heard and gave me another chance. I was supposed to go through a training session with my boss but he didn't give it to me haha. I guess they trust me enough.

Prior to the call(s), I continued receiving loads. Good sign. I was sent to places that had even smaller yards than the one I had the accident in. I made sure to GOAL that time and had successful backs.

Now, I just need to learn how to survive winter driving. After going through training and watching several YouTube videos I know what I SHOULD be doing, but I won't know until I put it all into practice.

Quick question on that, though, I've heard people say only use level 1 Jakes in snow. Others say to not use it, but use downshifting. What am I actually supposed to do? ^_^'

Posted:  1 year, 1 month ago

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First incident

Hi everyone,

I'm a new driver. I've been driving for about 4 months so far.

A couple days ago, I got into my first incident. I had a bad setup for reverse parking into a dock but thought I had enough room to continue around the curb line. I neglected to get out and look just to make sure... ended up hopping the curb with my steer tire and bumping into a light pole.

This was my first accident where I've ever been at fault and I feel absolutely embarrassed to make such a dumb mistake. I reported it to my company, but my nerves prevented me from telling the customer. My boss wants to see me about the incident in a couple days.

Since then, I've still been given assignments to complete and had no issues. I had one where the dock lot was even smaller than the one I was previously maneuvering in, and I made sure to GOAL that time to prevent a repeat mistake. Turns out, I needed to reset and give myself a bit more room to complete my maneuver, worked out perfectly.

My questions are: what exactly will my boss say to me in our meeting? How should I respond? Am I going to get fired? And how will this affect my driving record going forward?

I really like this job. I hope I don't get termed, but if I do, I guess it's deserved.

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