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Posted: 1 year ago
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I mistakenly submitted my form before i finished. Basically i was in a curb that bent to the left so my trailer wheels off tracked to my left/driver side. So the car in the oncoming lane smashed into my tandems. I was off tracking a little but i couldnt help that i was going slow 15 mph. The guy saw a big ass truck and didnt stop. So basically it was a he said she said. No one was fined or ticket. But from what i hear this will go on my driveing record. Is this bad for me does this look bad for my driving career. Sometimes there is no way to no off track so what am i supposed to do in that situation?
Hey, Michael, welcoe to TruckingTruth. Let me ask a few clarifying questions:
"I was coming out of a curb": So you were on the right-hand curb, pointing in the usual direction of travel?
Then said car "flew into the curb from other direction and hit on my trailer tires". meaning coming from the oncoming direction (like in "head on")? This I can't figure. If you both were going in the same direction and the car came from behind and hit your tandems, I can see. But the trailer tires would be quite a deal if the car was coming from in front of you.
The rest is "You said/They said" unless a dash cam caught the action. Was the incident recorded? (I know if this was 100% behind you, that wouldn't happen.)
For you here are some words of comfort: your company almost expects accidents from rookie drivers. Depending on the severity of any accident, you will have a chat with the Safety Department, and maybe suspension for a few days (though I can't promise what will happen). On your part, in your Safety chat, minimize what the other driver did to you and your truck, and maximize what you were doing, even the bad parts. Never say "I thought" or "I assumed" anything {Kiss of Death/Termination}. Explain that you understand what you did and will know better next time you are in that situation. Make that resolution stick, and I know you will.
Posted: 1 year ago
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New driver here i got my cdl a in July finished training november i started driving on my own. I do food service in 48 foot trailers. I got into a accident yesterday. I was coming out of a curb and a car flew i to the curb from other direction and hit on my trailer tires. He had plenty chance to see me i was only going 15 miles a hour but he never breaked he just banged right i to me. He said my trailer was tracking i to the other land and he couldnt avoid it s
Posted: 1 year ago
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First accident question?
Well when will i know if it is a preventable or a non. Because all i was told is that all get police report in 10 days and that it was my word over his word accident and nobody was at fault as from what i know.