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Posted: 11 years ago
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Job Application on Trucking Truth
Hi all. I was filling out the Application here on trucking truth because it says you do not need a CDL or experience to fill out an application, so I thought I would see about it. I am still considering going for CDL-A training but haven't made an actual decision yet and thought maybe this might help me decide a little better if maybe I were to get a Pre-Hire letter or something. Ok, so what I want to know is, since I am not actually in a training course yet, nor do I have a Class A CDL, should I put student driver where it says driver type, even though technically, I am not yet a student? Also, it asks about type of freight you would consider. For a beginner, I would prefer dry van, so should I only pick that one? In other words, I don't want to be choose several and then have them just tell me "well, we see you also marked HazMat so that is what we want you for and you MUST take that one". Would I still be likely to have a say in it if I pick more than one? Anyone else used the application process on Trucking Truth and have any insight into what happens next, especially for those who haven't even started into training yet? Thanks in advance for any and all comments/advice etc.....
Posted: 11 years ago
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Some Questions on Taking the CDL Test
Hello, I am planning to get my cdl class b soon and I have a couple of questions that i hope you guys can answer.
1) when I do the on-road driving part of the test, when i'm preparing to drive across a railroad track and i slow down to check and there is a train coming, Do I stop and wait for the train to go by even if its completely clear that I can cross the tracks in time or should I stop and wait?(for passive tracks that don't have lights and gates)(I know this question is obvious, but Ive seached everywhere for this answer and all the rules say is slow down and check... I just want to be competely sure for the test)
2) As I said, I'm planning on getting my class B cdl. I've read that some states are now making it manditory to have manual tranny endorsements in order to drive one. Are there enough driving jobs out there that use automatic so i don't have to worry about this?
2.5) Also, I currently drive a manual station wagon, so i know how to drive one, but never driven a double clutch before (although I reseached it and know the steps). Do you think I should go ahead and attempt the manual test or play it safe and test with the automatic?
3) Will I be able to ask the instructor questions before the tests on how to do them? If not could you answer these following questions.
3a) For the pre-trip test, should i perform both brake tests or just the air brake test?
3b) About the 4 point brake check: in the back of the manual it says to do a method exactly one way, leaving out steps that was mentioned in the beginning of the manual. Steps are: Check build up rate, check governor cut in rate, and checking leak out rate before applying the brake pedal. Which way do you think I should do?
3c) How should i perform the pre-trip test, by checking the vehicle as it is, or say: "if the vehicle had this, I would do this"?
I am wanting to get my class A cdl eventually, but right now i don't have the time take the classes, and I believe that id be able to pass the class b tests without taking classes. I want to get started early on getting my experience behind the wheel for future class a positions.
Thanks for your time,
I currently have a Class B and have had for around 4-5 years. My suggestion is that you test for a manual, there are not enough trucks out there that have automatics in them that you will be assured of getting into an automatic. If you are restricted to an automatic, it will severely cut down on job possibilities. Almost not even worth doing in my opinion. Same with air brakes, you want to be sure to get that as well because most trucks have air brakes and if you don't have that, another thing in your way as far as getting a job is concerned. As far as pre-trip, you will want to test in a truck that has air brakes and depending how your CDL manual is set up, you will want to do the things such as check slack adjusters and push rods, hoses etc.... whatever your manual tells you and you will just substitute the air brake stuff in for the hydraulic brake things if that makes sense. If not, maybe someone else can think of a better way of putting it.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Thank you all for your responses. Very informative. Love This site
Posted: 11 years ago
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Hey all, I am just curious about something. I am not the type who goes to a doctor much if I can help it, but I am curious. How do the OTR drivers manage to do it. Not like you can really plan to have an appointment while you are home. So what if you need to say, see an eye doctor and you are OTR Driver. How would you manage that?
Posted: 11 years ago
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Told to drive when it's obvious you're too tired.
I'm going to find out tomorrow if he still has a job with this company and if they know about this video. I'm also going to invite him to join this conversation and see if he would like to defend himself against drivers like myself who are willing to call him out on his tactics. If he's brave enough we'll certainly give him his day in court. Guys like that tend to get themselves in a hole and they just keep digging and digging and digging.
If I'm wrong about him I'll certainly apologize to him. But that's not a concern. I've been in this game for waaaaaaaaaay too long. I know a true professional when I see one and I know a clown when I see one. A lot of people think they're really clever. He's one of em. To me he looks like that legendary three year old child with chocolate all over his facing saying, "I didn't eat any cookies. I swear!"
Sure ya didn't.
That would be cool just to see how it plays out. Go for it, I'm curious now haha.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Told to drive when it's obvious you're too tired.
I was thinking the same thing as I watched that video. But, I have never been out there yet so I did not feel I could be credible in saying what you did. How many times in life have any of us had a bad night sleep? Stress of work, family problems, illness, financial problems have kept everyone of us up a night before. The next day, did we call out sick? I guess some people would. I would not. But, then again, if he can't stay awake, he can't stay awake. Shut it down! The cameras tell me he had planned this all day because he was not happy about what he was being assigned and was finding a way to fight back and try to make himself look good. He said in the video he had talked about the back to back 10 hour breaks with management in the past. He has had an issue with this and used it to try and make the company look bad. Hell, I want to work for a company that guarantees me 2500 miles a week and then gives me 20 hours off for 20 minutes of work. I am betting if he actually did the load assigned, he would not have been close to 2500 miles for the week. Why? Because a set up like that allows drivers like this to milk the load they have been assigned. He can show up right on time and not have to worry about getting creative to get unloaded. He does not have to turn and burn because he is getting paid. He has no incentive to arrive early except personal pride in his work.
PRIDE... that's right i said it. Money is important but it is second to PRIDE. I take pride that I do my job to the best of my ability. I may fall short sometimes but it is not from the lack of effort.
I agree with this poster, trucking is something I am considering but since I am not yet a part of it and don't know the ropes or how things go I didn't feel I could discredit the video. I too feel it seems like a setup to me. I also believe he has probably used the I'm too tired thing on several occasions from just watching a few other videos of his. I can't say anything for sure cuz I am not him nor have I been in his shoes and obviously we are not going to see the part he may have played in all this if it were anything negative in any way. I do appreciate this website and the fact that you can get pretty good info on here and I think most of the people here want to be genuinely helpful. There are a few eternal pessimists, but I think the majority are good guys and gals and I thank you all for contributing to this and Brett for making it happen.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Or just do the sections call General Knowledge and Air Breaks.
This also works and if there is a section called General Knowledge, that probably will have majority of what you need. I stated all those sections because they tend to slip a question or two in there that aren't in other sections and leave you wondering where that came from. Anyways, if there is a General Knowledge and Air Brakes Section, that would be the thing to focus on as quoted poster stated.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Told to drive when it's obvious you're too tired.
I think you misunderstood his situation, Brett. He took a full 10, got plenty of rest, and was then instructed by his company to drive 20 miles, drop his empty, and immediately go on another 10. And from the sounds of it, the company didn't exactly afford him the opportunity to try and sleep during that period, since he says his dispatcher called him several times throughout the day. He wasn't being lazy, unreasonable, or irresponsible. It wasn't his choice to only work for 20 minutes, and just because you've been off duty for 10 hours doesn't mean you've been asleep for any or all of that time. And unless you're part housecat, I don't know anybody who can sleep for 10 hours, be awake for 20 minutes, and go back to sleep for another 10 hours.
That was how I understood it also, now, he could be a chronic about it and pull that kinda stuff far too often, I don't know, but what you said is how I understood him.
Posted: 11 years ago
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What constitutes general knowledge? What parts of Training Program should I go over?
I may be able to help you here some. I have a Class B. Not sure what your state is or how the manual is set up, but just going by the one I still have laying around, I would say to read the Introduction and study Driving Safely, Transporting Cargo Safely, Air Brakes, Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection, Basic Vehicle Control Skills Test and On-Road Driving. If your manual isn't set up with that exact wording, then whatever appears to be close to that.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Job Application on Trucking Truth
Thank you all for your responses, very much appreciated. It's awesome how genuinely helpful everyone is here