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Posted:  1 year, 2 months ago

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I need help with getting my CDL A

Hello all, its my first time posting here. First off I want to state that I fully respect what you fellows do out there on the road for the every day working man. Secondly I am in a tough spot, and I was curious if any of you would have any pointers. (this will be a little long).

Back in early 2022 I had done pretty good for myself as a Semi Truck Technician, but shortly after I had gotten myself into a rut that I did not think I could get out of. But December comes around and I was able to crawl tooth and nail to get myself out of it, I was forced to break my lease for my apartment and pay quite a few large fines for doing so. But it got me out of the burning building, so that's all that matters. January (2023) rolls by and I am trying to decided what to do with my life. I apply myself in the "Kansas Truck Driving School" in Wichita. Things are going really well at this point, I am doing quite well on the pre trip. And my instructor was quite happy with how well I could shift a 10 speed. (bare in mind that the trailers are empty for the school). I get to the point that I only miss 1 thing during the pre trips, scoring a 98% every time. My instructor went by the grading sheet that the actual state examiners use. I take the test, and fail. The state examiners refused to tell me why, my instructor had me do the pre trip in front of him again (exterior, in cab, and brake test). I pass with flying colors with him. So we schedule another time to take the test again. Again I fail, the examiners did not even seem to be paying attention to me when I did take it. My instructor quizzes me again, and I pass again. This time not missing anything.

Its at this point that I have to pay over $200 out of pocket to rent the schools truck, to test again. I do so, and I fail again. At this point, I am wanting to throw up. My instructor does not know what I am doing wrong, and they refuse to tell me. What really irritates me, is that these are kids. Younger than me that are testing me, (I am 25, 24 at the time). I know that shouldn't matter, but when I talked with the examiners. They even told me that they never even touched a truck. And yet they are failing me. Anyhow, it was at this point I had a choice, pay another $200+ or quit. I chose to quit, and it saved me honestly. I had $15 left to my name the month after. Fast forward to January of 2024, I have bounced way back! I am doing quite well for myself. But I am not happy with myself. I busted my butt way to dang hard to fail at this. Problem being though, is that I no longer have my GI Bill to pay for it any longer. Its all used up. And I am not comfortable with earning $7.25 an hour, which is what most trucking companies will pay you until you/if graduate. Besides Joining the Army again I cannot see a way to get my CDL A. I currently have a CDL B.

I know I typed a lot, and I'm sorry to those who have sore eyes after reading it. I am just kind of at a loss right now. Trucking is something I have wanted to do for a long time. Since I got out of the Army. But I am married now, and I am not selfish enough to thro w everything at it again, only to maybe fail. And ruin everything we have gained if that was the case. I don't know what I am expecting in this forum, I guess that I am just looking for advice.

I appreciate anybody who has any.

Thank you, Greg

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