Profile For Sean D.

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Posted:  1 year, 1 month ago

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Getting a job with multiple felonies

How old are the felonies? If it’s been a few years and he has truly changed I would personally walk into a company he knows that is hiring and ask to speak to the manager or owner. Plead his case that he was in a bad situation that got out of hand and he made mistakes and he would like to prove himself to the company and maybe start by working around the yard, washing trucks or whatever. Let the boss know he’s a hard and reliable worker. In 1999 I got out of prison for selling drugs but it was a one time thing and you didn’t have to tell me twice that prison was not the place for me. I wanted to get on with a specific construction company so I showed up at the yard every morning for 2 weeks sitting by the door at 4am and for 9 days the superintendent told me NO he didn’t have a spot for me even though they were hiring but on the 10th day he laughed when he saw me and told me to come in the office. He had to wait a couple weeks to get a hiring exemption from the union but boom hired!! Straight out of prison at 26 yrs old I was making $35.00 a hour and it changed my life. And in 2000 $35.00 a hour wasn’t chump change for a guy fresh out. I hate anyone that beats women so it’s a bit different than selling drugs to a cop but I hope he has changed his ways and gets a spot doing what he wants but tell him to show up , be persistent, work extra hard and he will be on his way!

Posted:  1 year, 1 month ago

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Best state to start my LLC & operate as an Owner operator?

I was wondering what states for tax purposes is best to operate out of? After driving OTR for a company for a couple years I’m going to buy a truck & get my own authority due to this new independent contractor law and even if not for that as a LLC & owning my own business and then planning on adding a few more trucks I would like to set up my business in a tax friendly state to get every bit of my $$ out my business. We are in California now but we are moving out of this nightmare either way after living here for 49 years. I won’t get into politics because what’s happening here is not a red or blue issue it’s plain insanity so since we are moving soon I’m wondering what states look good for Trucking, general business taxes and regulations and a quality of life in general. We have been in rural northern ca for yrs but a nice small city with a couple acres to have a shop for the trucks and all our toys doesn’t sound to bad. Florida? Where in Florida? Texas? Where in Texas? Wyoming? Where in Texas? Tennessee ? Where in Tennessee? Or any other recommendations and why would be greatly appreciated. I will say I have a line on loads running from WA to Alaska and back 9 months out of the year but I can park my trucks anywhere and run my business out of anywhere it just figuring out where and realistically I’ll be on the road 325 days a year so it’s all about money really. Thanks for your help.

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