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Posted: 11 months, 1 week ago
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I single-handedly ruined my life trying to transition into trucking
You’ve gotten excellent advice here. I couldn’t add a thing to it. Where I can offer some advice is regarding your question on FedEx freight. I spent 20 years in LTL. When I started it was hard to get into. I spent 2 years on a “casual board” before getting essentially “journeyman” status. Today the LTL industry is quite different. Many LTL companies offer a “dock to driver” program. Those programs are intended for CDL aspirants but you may be able to leverage your warehouse experience against the misfortunes you’ve encountered. It would be worth a conversation especially since you’ve already got your CDL. Make no mistake, you’ll work the dock while they get to know who you are. Good luck!
Posted: 11 months, 4 weeks ago
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Begining the process of becoming a Truck driver.
After I retired from trucking I went to work for my State DOC in a re-entry facility. Over my 3 years there I learned how difficult it is for ex-felons to get a “foothold” and escape their past. Congratulations on your efforts. Almost 70% of released felons find their way back to incarceration so your first hurdle is over.
Don’t focus on TWIC cards or Passports. You likely will not get a TWIC (murder is a disqualifier) and, even with a Passport, Canada will likely not let you enter. Don’t worry about that, there’s enough freight to move in the lower 48 to keep you busy.
Do focus on your health. If you have issues you need to address do that now before you enter the industry. This job can be very hard on you physically. You wouldn’t think so but trust me, it is. Besides that, you’ve got time.
Freight is slow right now and many companies are being particularly choosy. Wait till late spring or early summer when the freight starts to move and “bodies” become a hotter commodity. I concur with BK. When you are set to move cast a wide net. Eventually some outfit will give you a start. Look into companies that train (although, even though accepted, there is no guarantee of hire). Private schools cost about 5k or more and also provide no guarantee of work. If you’re not in a hurry (and you shouldn’t be) look into your local Community Colleges. Many have CDL training programs that are more in-depth and cost a lot less.
Many folks will look at you and only see the person you used to be. You’re not that man anymore and someone out there will see that too. Good luck to you.
Posted: 12 months ago
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Errol, well this is very interesting to me. I’m going to be following this chapter of your journey. I’m particularly interested in the Lease side of this. Generally I’m skittish about leasing trucks. Is there a website explaining the business opportunity? Wishing you all the best!
Posted: 12 months ago
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Retired Trucker Looking for Advice
Thanks Oldschool. That’s kinda where I am. Just trying to determine how determined I am.
I agree with PackRat. I literally had pages of companies that said no to me. If you want something, you go for it. Don't let a little resistance hold you back.
Posted: 12 months ago
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Retired Trucker Looking for Advice
You are correct. This is how it happened. Around my birthday in 2016, almost a year after I retired, I went into my DOL office to renew my license. I told the guy at the counter that I didn’t want to renew my CDL. At that point he handed me a Surrender form. I didn’t know any better so I signed it. He told me I could renew it within a year but after that I would be like a first time CDL applicant. I had had my CDL ever since I was “grandfathered” over so I just figured that’s the way it is. Flash forward 8 years and I find out that wasn’t right at all but the form had been signed and no way to unwind it.
Good advice though. I wish I had a more knowledgeable DOL employee at the desk that day. Things would very likely been different.
If nothing else Dave's experience should be a lesson to everyone to be very thoughtful before letting a CDL go. Most states have an option to self declare to a status that does not require a current DOT physical. Only down side is maybe a slightly higher license renewal fee.
You never know when necessity or desire may drive you to hit the road again.
When my father passed away at 91 his drivers license was still a class A cdl and he still had his Private Pilot License in his wallet. He literally took them both to the grave. I intend to do the same with my CDL.
Posted: 12 months ago
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Retired Trucker Looking for Advice
Thanks for the kind words driver. I said in an earlier post that the hurdles were a test of my resolve. At 70 years old and a life of hard work I just don’t have enough to push me. You come across like many of the old hands I had the privilege to work with. Just a stand up driver. I appreciate you.
Dave, not knowing what happened with the three failed attempts, I’m not going to question your decision. But, since it’s not a driver friendly market right now, maybe it will take a little more perseverance? My sense is that the industry needs more guys like you out here.
Of course, there are alternatives. Old School touched on it recently when he mentioned the “nomadic” lifestyle. Did you see the movie “Nomadland”? The site to go to is cheapRVliving.com by Bob Wells. When I finish driving, my plan is to adapt my E350 cargo van and cargo trailer for the nomadic lifestyle. I see a lot of the country now, at least what I can see from an interstate highway. Which is saying I don’t see much worth seeing. Such a thing might be doable for you. A goodly number of people in our age group do it.
I might be wrong, but I still think a guy like you can get back into driving if you keep trying. Am I wrong?
Posted: 12 months ago
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Retired Trucker Looking for Advice
After three failed attempts to re-enter the industry I spent 25+ years in and retired from in 2015 I’ve decided to stop pushing on a door that is not opening. I know this isn’t about me. This is simply what it is. My goal in attempting to re-enter was to see the Nation on someone else’s dime. There are other ways to accomplish this. I want to say that this forum is a very valuable tool with some very kind and knowledgeable individuals. Thank you to all who have offered support, encouragement and advice. Safe travels, Dave
Posted: 1 year ago
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Retired Trucker Looking for Advice
No, Schneider was not one I contacted. I have looked at them as a potential carrier but I haven’t seen that they have a “in house” school like a Swift or Prime. They do have a relationship with private CDL schools near me. I will definitely take a second look. Thank-you.
Dave, did you try Schneider National recruiting? If you did, what was the response?
I heard that there was a change at Schneider recently. They are not currently hiring outside drivers, only those that go through their CDL school. If that is true, it might work to your advantage. Plus they are old guy friendly. Not sure if what I was told is accurate but if you haven’t tried Schneider, it would be worth a shot.
Posted: 1 year ago
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Retired Trucker Looking for Advice
Thanks for the advice.
I would not go to a local CDL school. If a company wont hire you due to no recent work history . It wont matter if yiu have a CDL. They still wont hire you
Feb 8 2022, the training requirements changed by law.
No, prime will not reduce your miles. However, hit something and you may do more miles.
If yiu truly do well, then treming can have you rack up the miles quickly.
Posted: 11 months, 1 week ago
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What y’all hauling!
My last 5 years of driving I hauled liquid nitrogen, oxygen and argon. Easiest job I ever had.