Profile For JT

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    Houston, TX

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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Looking to get a CDL this year, I know next to nothing about trucking.

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Posted:  1 year ago

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Recent Suspended License on Record - Deal Breaker For Future Employers?

Hey BK and Stevo, thanks for taking the time to read through and respond, I really appreciate it.

I was considering taking classes at the community college near me because it looks like a good program with awesome facilities, but doing as BK suggested is definitely the way to go. I won't be able to attend a CDL program until the end of June, do ya'll think there is any reason I should wait to apply until we are closer to the summer?

@ Stevo Re: DMV The worst part was the DMV, DPS, judges, cops, and even a lawyer I talked to were as confused as I was about the situation. They kept telling me to go across town and talk to someone else (who I had already talked to multiple times). I did a whole lot of walking last year lol, one of the most frustrating periods of my life.

Posted:  1 year ago

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Recent Suspended License on Record - Deal Breaker For Future Employers?

Hey Ryan, thanks for the response, yes there is more. Sorry I have limited time to respond atm.

My insurance had lapsed in 2017, I was at fault. I was dead broke and couch surfing at the time so I went on a payment plan to pay for the ticket. I defaulted on the payment plan. I honestly had no idea that I defaulted (convincing right?), and continued driving, renewing my license and generally carrying on as if everything was fine. Between 2017 and August 2022 I renewed my license after it expired without issue, then in 2021 I got a motorcycle endorsement and got another license without issue. During this time I had also been pulled over a couple times for minor stuff (bulb burned or something idk) and let off with warnings. Nothing during the stops indicated any issues with my license or anything else. In August 2022 I had to call the cops on a man making threats with a gun at the store I worked at (small town convenience store, I was the only employee on the clock, luckily I had already locked the door to begin closing the store for the night). When the cops showed up and took the guy away I was informed for the first time that there was an active warrant for my arrest for defaulting on the 2017 ticket. The officer did not arrest me, told me to go to the municipal court first thing Monday morning (he told me on a Friday night) and settle it or else I would be arrested next time I had an interaction with the police. I went to the court clerk and paid the ticket in full (plus late fees etc for defaulting), I did not dispute the fact that I defaulted (no records to the contrary), and I was at fault for not having insurance in 2017 so I didn't see a reason to contest anything (plus I was worried I would be taken into custody if I didn't pay). They told me I was free and clear, all was settled. By paying I plead guilty to the 2017 ticket. That triggered something in the state system to put the SR suspension on my license. They informed me of this by sending a letter to my address. My roommate picked up the mail and lost the letter. I had no idea I about it until I was pulled over in January 2023 and ticketed for driving on invalid license. Finally found the letter in March when my roommate was preparing to file taxes and gave it to me.

Sorry I am out of time, will respond/clarify when I can

thanks again!


Posted:  1 year ago

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Recent Suspended License on Record - Deal Breaker For Future Employers?

Hello TT!

Short time lurker, first time poster. Hoping yall can help steer me straight.

I am very interested in going to CDL school this summer but my driving record is worrying me. I don't want to go through all the time/expense/research etc. and have it be all for naught if my driving record is a deal breaker for employers even if I obtain a CDL. I will attempt to keep it concise, please forgive me when I fail :/

Long Story as Short as Possible: Through a series of unfortunate events over the last 7 years that I don't yet fully understand my license was invalidated (not suspended, not sure of the difference between the two) in August 2022 without my knowledge for failure to maintain insurance (the ticket for failure to maintain was from December 2017, I have records showing that I have maintained continuous coverage since that time up through the present). As I had no knowledge that it was invalidated in August 2022 I continued to drive and was pulled over for a burned out light in January 2023 and ticketed for driving with an invalid license. Couldn't drive for 30 days (records say it is called an "SR Suspension"). After the 30 days I was able to continue driving with a valid license. When I paid off the ticket on my court date on April 3rd 2023 I was told by the judge that everything was settled and I was free and clear to continue driving and that my license was valid and not suspended. Despite what the judge and her clerks said, the records show that my license was in fact suspended the the same day I payed off my ticket, but it did not go into effect until May 6th (not sure why). This resulted in me being unable to drive from May 6th 2023 to September 13th 2023. Since September 13th my license has been valid and I have had no more issues (hard to type with my fingers crossed lol).

As of today (Feb 28) everything is up to snuff according to my Certified Abstract Record. I can provide the C.A.R. if it would help yall in helping me.

Aside from the FUBAR situation above, I have a decent driving record. No DUI/DWIs, no crashes, no moving violations since 2009 (speeding when I was 16). Record shows something happened in 2010 (I forget what) and I had to take a driver safety course.

So what do yall think? Am I damaged goods to a future employer based on my driving record? Does this jeopardize my ability to get a CDL in the first place?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts/advice/opinions/guidance etc!

PS: I promise to endeavor to never type this much in one post again lol, my apologies!

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