Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 11 months, 4 weeks ago
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- but you're willing to try and cheat a drug test as you have in the past.-
Definitely. I don’t plan to continue my marijuana use and once training is over, I’ll be clean on my own. I haven’t even called yet, I don’t know when next orientation is. I appreciate your comment but I would do almost anything to advance myself. Most would. Cheating a drug test is mild on the list compared to what I would do to get a leg up.
Posted: 11 months, 4 weeks ago
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I’m sure TMC monitors this forum. So you are probably screwed even if that is not your real name. Bus tables.
I agree that they probably monitor this forum but consider their classes of 30 + individuals at a time and no other identifiers other than a fake name. Even my email is not noted. I don’t imagine TMC is going to throw their entire training procedures by the wayside because they read one post about an idiot plotting to subvert their process. There are so many more reasons why this is a bad idea, but I don’t think your point is one of them. Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway
Posted: 11 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let me start off by saying this may upset some of the drivers out there but I’m looking for a change in life. I’m in central Oklahoma and recently got my permit A. When considering a company to get my license with, I discovered TMC. I like their appeal because they don’t have team drive and their test is a urinalysis. I’ve been a 20 year consumer of cannabis products but I’m sick of this little detail holding me back so far in life. I threw out my bongs and pipes and whatnot and have only been sober for 3 days. I got a job local and told myself I would apply when I was clean. I would really like to get there sooner than later and have been considering faking my pre-employment urinalysis. The synthetics work and have gotten me most of my jobs in life but timing is important. From forum posts I’ve read so far, TMC test on your first day, disregarding travel day. If this is true and I have an hour of prep time, I can get through this drug test and further my career now instead of waiting another month. Please don’t think I’m trying to subvert testing and continue to smoke while I drive. I just don’t want to bus tables for a month while I wait to get clean. Any guidance or suggestion are welcome.
Posted: 11 months, 4 weeks ago
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TMC and Drug Testing
Many companies fit the description of what appeals to you with TMC, so what makes them stand out to you??
can you suggest some others that will train out of central Oklahoma and not require a hair follicle. It was never my plan but a consideration, but I’ve come to expect character judgement from former police officers.