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Posted:  1 year ago

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Help finding a job with a rollover accident on my record

Have you tried SPD? I have a less than stellar record and they hired me and keep me moving. I just started here almost a month ago but they’ve kept me very very busy. I just moved to WV myself so I know they hire from there.

I haven't but I just looked over a job listing and it sounds like it would be perfect. Only thing concerning is where they say "no serious traffic convictions in the last 3yrs". It makes me think my accident will disqualify me. But it is nice to see a bar that's possibly lower than 5yrs. I'll definitely drop them an app in morning and see what they say. Thank you for the suggestion

Posted:  1 year ago

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Help finding a job with a rollover accident on my record

Have you tried SPD? I have a less than stellar record and they hired me and keep me moving. I just started here almost a month ago but they’ve kept me very very busy. I just moved to WV myself so I know they hire from there.

I haven't but I just looked over the job details and it sounds like it would be perfect. I'll be dropping them an application in the morning. Thank you for the suggestion

Posted:  1 year ago

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Help finding a job with a rollover accident on my record

I really need some help finding companies that will hire me with a rollover accident on my record.

The accident happened about 2.5yrs ago. I was issued a warning for the accident, no injuries, or fatalities. Since the accident I have gotten 1.5yrs of accident free experience at Western Express as an otr flatbed driver. Before that I had 6yrs of Class B local experience accident free. The only mark on my record is the rollover. I have to get away from Western Express ASAP. I guess they pay me decent at .6/mi and $25/tarp running me around 2500mi/week. They just play to many games, have terrible communication, and make me sit around all too often. I just need a change to some place that will work me more and show me a bit of respect. I do absolutely everything in my power to get things done ealier than expected and they treat me like trash.

I've tried applying at several different places only to be turned away because a rollover is on my record. I keep getting told I can't be considered for 5yrs from the date of the accident.

Home for me is WV. I don't really care where a company is based because I usually go home once every 1-3 months. I enjoy flatbed but it's not something I must have. OTR is a must have though.

Any help is much appreciated.

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