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Posted: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
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What's my chance of getting a local driving job?
I have all my endorsements or at least passed all the tests at the dmv learning on a manual transmission & have my enhanced license.
I'm a local driver in Buffalo, you'll find something. You've got some hurdles though-tickets, inexperience, and wanting a day shift-the tickets thing being the biggest problem. What school are you through? I'd talk to your teachers, I'm sure they've seen guys in your same situation, they're from the area, I'm sure they have a contact or two with some local outfits or even outfits that just don't advertise. I've personally seen brand new cdl drivers get local positions thanks in part to a glowing recommendation from their instructors-it's a way to help crack the door open. The dirty secret in local work is that while most companies prefer years of experience, if it comes to losing a contract or work due to a lack of drivers, they will take a brand new driver. I've personally seen that too-companies that advertise wanting five years experience but will take a new driver when push comes to shove. There are problems there though too-these types of outfits are not set up to train, so you will be thrown in the deep end and expected to figure it out.
I've got no hot leads for you-I know local outfits that hire new drivers but want no tickets, and I know local outfits that hire with tickets but want years of experience. Just don't know of any that will do both off the top of my head. My advice, you look bad on paper, so do everything you can to look good. Get all your endorsements, get twic and hazmat. Get your enhanced license to cross the border (quite a bit of local Buffalo work crosses the Canadian border.) Learn on a manual- many of the local fleets are not auto and probably won't be for years. Work as hard as you can in school so you can impress the heck out of your driving test interviewers. You may end up with a job that doesn't require any of these things, but can't hurt. And then, just apply EVERYWHERE! Drive around kenmore, tonawanda, niagara falls, etc., looking for companies with "hiring driver" signs out, look for signs on the back of trailers pulled by daycabs around the city and apply. Be prepared to be told no hundreds of times, but all you need is the right company looking for someone at the right time-it'll happen.
Posted: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
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What's my chance of getting a local driving job?
Manual no restrictions already passed the endorsement tests to include hazmat
Are you learning jn a manual?
Posted: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
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What's my chance of getting a local driving job?
I’m currently enrolled in a cdl school, it’ll be a few months before having my cdl a to help give time between me and the tickets just hoping I’m not wasting a bunch of money paying for the class to not be able to work
I’m looking for local around Buffalo New York, I know it’s gonna be difficult with my last speeding ticket only being two years old so they’ll see the other three, I’ve since learned my lesson, and hope to be hirable at some local jobI did a very brief search on Indeed.com and seen Sysco is hiring drivers that are recent graduates of a truck driving school and no more than 2 moving violations in a rolling 3 year period. You could inquire with them if they have a program to get your CDL. Just keep in mind Sysco is very labor intensive and the risk of accidents is quite high due to the areas you'll be expected to get your truck.
Also seen HD Supply is hiring for delivery drivers that do not require a CDL. That may be an option as well, though that experience probably wont count as experience when going for a Class A job.
Posted: 10 months, 3 weeks ago
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What's my chance of getting a local driving job?
I’m looking for local around Buffalo New York, I know it’s gonna be difficult with my last speeding ticket only being two years old so they’ll see the other three, I’ve since learned my lesson, and hope to be hirable at some local job
McLane does routes and most are day trips like you're looking for.If going with McLane make sure you know what type of schedule you'll be running. In my area they shuttle a trailer in. You, and another driver, will run teams in a sleeper to get that trailer unloaded. They deliver to all K&G convenience stores in Iowa in addition to some chain restaurants and routes are most are scheduled 16 to 22 hours.
Posted: 11 months ago
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What's my chance of getting a local driving job?
With the age of those tickets, it'll be more difficult then it needs to be.
Local driving hours may also be difficult for you. LTL is seniority based and the product delivery companies (pepsi, coca cola etc) have early start times (4-5 AM) and no set end time. Your day is done when the trailer is empty.
I’m okay with the early days, I have someone who can watch my kids during the day, just wondering the possibility of maybe getting in with a place like you mentioned, Pepsi or Coca-Cola
Posted: 11 months ago
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What's my chance of getting a local driving job?
question, and I’m aware the responses will probably align with my own opinions, but I’m currently going through cdl school, i drove across the country for a few years in a sprinter van, well my wife and I were going through a stressful divorce and I stopped really caring and got a series of speeding tickets, four to be exact had a hearing over wether the state wanted to suspend my license or not, they chose to put me on probation and I finished that just fine, learned my lesson and stopped the crap, anyways when I finish the school it’ll be about two years since my last ticket, I ended up winning custody of my two toddlers and was wondering what everyone thinks the possibility of me landing a local driving job will be, thank you
Posted: 10 months, 2 weeks ago
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What's my chance of getting a local driving job?