Profile For Sharon H.

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Posted:  10 months, 3 weeks ago

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33 +

1st off, I have only prior wrote about the Black Ice incident. How DARE you say that my 23 + pages of Evidence is nothing. You have no clue what I have.. BY THE WAY, I AM A DRIVER, ALSO... I know SHOCKER.. I've driven since I was too young to have a License and I could only drive local with the Owner of the Company or my Father with me. You DONT KNOW how to be civil. I'm a dumb woman according to you that knows absolutely nothing!! WANNA BET ON THAT! I WILL be sending the MODS a screen shot and hoping they remove you And if your 72-73.. I KNOW your parents taught you if you have nothing good to say, DONT SAY IT.

Posted:  10 months, 3 weeks ago

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33 +

I believe I only have 1 other thread on here, named Black Ice If I have posted more than once, please let me know and I will delete this one. Thank you Sir.

Posted:  10 months, 3 weeks ago

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33 +

Good Evening all!! I am the Wife of a Driver that was terminated end of March 2024. 27 years with the same Company! Anyhow. I'm asking.. BE NICE He has 33 + years of driving. Great record. However I've had to have 2 major Surgeries with a 1 year time frame. He was and has been worried about me! Last April 2023 he had a backing incident, nothing major 1 month later another backing issue, nothing major June or July 2023, he was backing out of a fuel island. Loves Tanker truck pulls by behind him, btw he got out and made sure no one was there.. He hit the middle of the tanker and put a hole in it. Tanker driver also came into the truck stop backwards. The termination, was BLACK ICE in Nebraska, he laid the truck over, the load was meat and it was saved as soon as the truck was set back up. His termination report states all the accidents even though 1 is falling off tomorrow. What Company or any Company gonna be willing to hire him?? I have sent an Email to FMSCA to request a hearing on the layover. I sent In 23 pages of Evidence to support that there was no weather in the area, he was headed to York Nebraska for the night. Please no snide comments, I've been on him since he got fired, but we have a mortgage and car payment and RV payment that has to be paid. 3 storage units but I have decided to sell off all my families Antiques that were handed down to me, only child. We have some cash, but it's getting lower by the minute. Any leads or help is appreciated. Reminder ... BE NICE. :)

Posted:  11 months, 1 week ago

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Black Ice

First off, I want to Thank you all for your inputs. I know i can talk until I'm blue in the face, but the roads were dry, no spray from either his truck or others. We are governed at 68 with cruise, 65 foot. He NEVER used cruise the whole way, due to winds. But when roads are dry, temps were mid 40's in Lincoln, I think we all can say, that we drive as far as we can when the roads are good, until weather dictates otherwise. Yes, winds are always a issue. He had 30-35k in the box, I don't consider that light. Gross was at 76k per Cat Scale. Yes, yes, yes, we all knew that there was a Storm coming in from the East, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm radars, showed absolutely nothing in the area at the time, not even ice. Nebraska 511 showed green travel lanes to Grand Island. He wasn't pushed but wanted to get what miles he could before the storm hit. If Radars wasn't picking up anything then how were we supposed to know what lay ahead. I was NOT on the phone with him when he left Lincoln. For those of you that said the wind warnings were up, no, not for the area. Of course there is wind, we drive in wind daily, was it a little more than normal, yes ... I'm not sure what is gonna happen next. Not sure what they are gonna do to his DAC report. His backing incidents are just that, he has been driving so long that his ego got in the way.. I'm a truck driver for years I don't gotta get out and look. All truck drivers get complacent. ITS A BAD THING... I'm not sure where we will end up, statements on letterhead from the Fire Dept and from a DOT plow driver/ Supervisor hopefully help the decision making. As far as Insurance goes, they are self insured. I can say that their CEO's don't return phone calls, period. While we wait for his Asst Fleet Manager to call us all we can do is pray. I've reached out to a Realtor to either sell or rent out the house. We have a 41 ft 5th wheel that we can live in if need be. He does have some profit sharing monies that are due to him, albeit not much, and we have confirmed that he will keep all of it if fired. Prior somebody said they can take it all back. We called the bank directly. I have my Parents Estate belongings that I will sell for for pennies on the dollar if I have to.. Let's hope and pray for him. He has said that he will take a drive cam permanently as well. And or probation..

Posted:  11 months, 1 week ago

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Black Ice

Hello, We both looked at NWS , NE 511 and I have letters from a DOT plow driver and the Fire Dept. First call to service was at 732pm, his accident was 745pm. He moved over a lane going left due to a big truck on the shoulder, he didn't move all the way over he just gave the driver of the other truck room. As soon as he cleared the Embankment and the truck the wind gust smacked him sideways and the first and only time he knew there was ice on the road. He stopped in Lincoln for fuel, he called we both looked up weather and at the time it was clear to Grand Island. His wreck was at the 359 Waco Nebraska exit. The roads were dry and clear. UNTIL ,they were not. No ice build up on back of mirrors, no ice on the windshield and he didn't have defrost on. Trust me... The WHAT IFS OR SHOULDA COULDA is tearing us apart. He has 25 days of Vacation left so that will catch up some bills, after that it's all fair game.


He was at full speed until the exit, when he saw others in the ditch and sideways and slowed up fast.


The wrecks were an indication of trouble.


He was approx 35 yards West of the underpass when he was hit with a 44mph wind gust, all of a sudden black Ice and it pushed him to the median, and once the steer tire hit mud it laid him over."


This was interesting... so how fast was he going? He should have been in the right lane. So he jeopardized the safety of other people when he was literally pushed across two lanes.

He may have issues getting hired in this economy. Ask your car finance company and your mortgage company for deferments. Some may do it, some won't. There used to be a way to reduce your mortgage interest rate for up to 5 years, but you would still owe that money on the back end. It is to be used only for cataclismic events. Ask your congressman if this is still available. It was enacted during Obama so I dont know if still available or even if u would qualify. Doesnt hurt to ask.

Apply everywhere. Take any job.

Posted:  11 months, 2 weeks ago

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Black Ice

No Sir... We live in SW Florida , but he was rolling West at the time of the accident. He started slowing down, as prior to this the roads were good, and normal travel speed. Matter of fact the wind was tossing him around before the wreck and if he was on ice then the wreck would have happened much sooner. After going under the underpass and clear of the get on ramp on I80 the gust of wind hit him broad sided and thats when he knew he was on ice, slid him over far left and when the left front steer tire him the soft shoulder it layed him over. We have letters and messages, and radars from 7-8-9 pm that show nothing on radar. He had 35-38K of meat in the box... We are now waiting on Pictures (5) from the Officer on scene that got him out of the truck.

The best advice I can give is just apply everywhere. Freight is slow pretty much industry wide right now still and it’s hard to find good jobs but they are out there. I can’t really give any advice about the rollover at this point since it’s already over and done. Moving forward, his best shot is going to be to take responsibility for his mishaps as opposed to making excuses.

I really don’t want to poke at your story very much because you’re on here asking for help and I’ve given it, but if I’m being honest your version of events is confusing and sounds questionable at best. If I were him I would avoid saying all of that in interviews and on job applications.

I can completely understand how being hit by a gust of wind and simultaneously hitting a patch of ice could cause a rollover. I’ve never had a rollover but that exact situation has happened to me before and and I watched my trailer slide into the next lane over. However…unless I’m misunderstanding you, it sounds like he was on an exit ramp at the time of the rollover. Is that correct? If so, I’m skeptical about this being unavoidable as you claim. Now, obviously I wasn’t there and haven’t seen the video of the incident or anything that would give me a clear idea of what happened, but if this sounds questionable even to me, I guarantee it’s going to sound like a bunch of excuses and lack of responsibility to the safety department of whatever company your husband applies to. That’s why I would just avoid the long explanation if I were him and just keep it simple: “I was unaware of the road and wind conditions on the off ramp and came in too fast for conditions.” He needs to make sure that whoever he speaks with knows that he accepts responsibility for not being cautious enough and that he has learned from his mistake and it will never happen again.

Maybe it was unpreventable…that I don’t know. But he’s not going to get any brownie points from any company’s safety department by trying to prove his innocence.

Posted:  11 months, 2 weeks ago

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Black Ice

My Husband has been with the Company for 27+ years. He has been on the road total 35 years. Monday March 25th, I80 Waco Nebraska. He field in Lincoln, roads were fine, he wanted to get to York Nebraska for a hot meal, He and I both looked at Weather, the storm was in Grand Island.

He was at full speed until the exit, when he saw others in the ditch and sideways and slowed up fast. He was approx 35 yards West of the underpass when he was hit with a 44mph wind gust, all of a sudden black Ice and it pushed him to the median, and once the steer tire hit mud it laid him over.

They technically fired him for it saying it was preventable. I have a letter, from Waco Ne Fire Dept that stated the roads were good and all of a sudden a call to service at 732pm, husband was already headed West and New nothing about black ice. He begged for a review , and they granted that, April 12.

I have found radars from NWS and DOT, that show 0 weather there still in Grand Island. We are hurting and stand to lose our home and car because of all this. He can go to any Company, depending on what they do to his DAC. He doesn't want to leave the Company.

He did have a couple of backing incidents, had a drive cam, and backed into a Loves Tanker that pulled behind him while backing up Any advice or help is appreciated, we also have a letter from a DOT plow driver/supervisor that stated that the roads iced quick between Waco and York, a 7 mile stretch.

God Bless.

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