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Posted: 6 months, 4 weeks ago
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Earn at least $900 in weekly guarantee pay during your first 120 days.
This is from their own website on one job posting...what they don't tell you is that you must have a minimum number of hours on duty to qualify...so if you are sitting all week waiting on a load or have only pulled a couple of short loads or whatever the case may be...if you do not have those hours on duty you don't qualify...
My complaint is...if I'm sitting and available for loads and do not refuse any loads then I should qualify....but that doesn't seem to be the case...just a recruiting tactic (lie) if you ask me....but who am I to say....
So...you will not be waiting a week for freight to move...Of course you have to have the minimum hours available, because 60 miles an hour,right?... They aren't giving you a 900 mile work order if you do not have the hours available to move the freight in a timely manner...meaning, you should be able, with your available hours, to get your trailer delivered at the time the work order specifies... $900 a week is accurate. You will make at least that much in 1 year of SAFE operation, without entanglements from DOT... Also, as a new driver, you should not refuse ANY loads...Unless the weather is dangerous, but the way they route is usually around weather. as much as is practical...
Posted: 7 months ago
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3 and a half with Schneider here...Good company, my experience is with Dry Van, no problems with miles, they keep you busy and if you are safe, and avoid entanglements with the DOT, they dont micromanage your daily workflow. I hear they dont pay as much as other large carriers, but for me right now, Its working well. In 3 years, I have been given 2 brand new Trucks, both with disc brakes and Battery powered APUs, home time based on how long you stay out, but they have a minimum amount of time you must work per qtr, or you forfeit your yearly safety bonus...
Posted: 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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Minor fender bender on round about in Ohio, cops blaming me. Any advice ?
Hello all, was involved in a fender bender while exiting a roundabout in Ohio. Dude tried to sqeeze in on the inside to overtake me and scraped my trailer tires. He blamed me, initially the cop said he couldn't decide and would have to investigate it further. A week later he called me and told me they were placing the blame on me and are in the process of sending me a citation which I have to pay. Ive only been in this game for 3 years and until this incident I have a clean driving record with no tickets. What are my options and does getting legal services involved make sense ? any advice or past experience helps. thanks in advance.
I bet the citation was "failure to yield in a roundabout" because you did not let the traffic coming from the left go first...Roundabouts with more than 1 lane are rare, although I have navigated a few, and none in Ohio...If you were exiting, he should have been behind you, if it was only 1 lane, if 2, you should have been on the curbside lane, with plenty of room for him to pass you on the roadside lane... Do you have video of the claimed mistake by the 4 wheeler? If not, and it was a 1 lane roundabout, you are screwed.You can only come in to a roundabout from the left. If you were exiting as you claim, I dont see how he was trying to pass you unless he did something crazy, which by the action of the cop, he did not do, because you got the ticket, not the 4 wheeler...
Posted: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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Not all Carriers DAC with HireRight....
Was looking for a copy of my DAC and, without asking at the company I work for assumed that HireRight was the Go to...Well, if you work for Schneider National, they dont report to HireRight, they report to Cisive, a Canadian data company. Found out thru HireRight, after I contacted them about getting my DAC. Dont assume, like me, that every company uses HireRight....
Posted: 6 months, 4 weeks ago
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How is Schneider Trucking
I can you tell this...Ive been there 3 and a half years...never sat for a week...Ever once...A day, yeah. Two days, sure, when its slow and the freight market is soft in whatever area you are in....Even over the past year, with crashing freight prices, never sat more than a day, never had less than 2500 miles in a 70 hour timeframe...I dont know what division you are working in or what your home OC is, But are you a new driver ? Do you have 120 days worktime? New guys tend to get pushed to the back of the line, you just have to complain loud enough for your boss to hear you... If you are not making the guarantee, or you are sitting for a week, there is a problem somewhere, I have never experienced what you are saying has happened to you...Have you talked to your Operations person about sitting for a week? That makes no sense at all...the $900 guarantee is accurate, at least it was for me...Remember that the 900 dollars is a GROSS number, not a NET number...