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Posted: 9 months, 3 weeks ago
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Hello I am new here,
I have a scenario id like to receive support and/or help about if you don't mind me explaining. (May be a lengthy read) Below;
- around Feb 2024 I took my GN test for my class B license, I reached out to a school about attending and they told me I'd have to come up with 1,500$ as a deposit and I could be enrolled into a program where the state ( OH) would cover the back end as a Loan/grant , that would be waived if you use your license for 1 year in OH.
Fast forward being delayed class start times twice and me paying the initial 1,500 deposit this is now id say apr/may no word from the state and I'm slowly losing a bit of patience I then start applying to Suburban propane as an apprentice driver ( i applied 10x diff locations) i finally had luck and landed a role as an apprentice where they will train you for your cdl, hazmat,tanker,air brake (all you can study for on your own im aware).. with this option you are in a 2 year contract, the pay isnt the best starting out , and its about an hr drive from home.
Fast forward again maybe a few days after applying and meeting with suburban, I finally hear back from the state and they should be sending my funding to the school with a start date June 17th, 2 week long course, suburban role starts June 3rd. If I get my CDL on my own through school there is no contract of course and my apprentice position converts to a drive role..what would you do ?
Posted: 9 months, 3 weeks ago
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Advice would be grand
Well my question is am I making the right choice honestly I'm looking at the suburban thing as a back up in case all else fails if that makes sense assuming you aren't able to pass through school that place may a cushion but I also am not fond of 2 years I agree that is a long time to be obligated especially for a class B I believe. Since I paid I want to follow through with school but they start later (17th) Than my start date at suburban (3rd) but all within 2 weeks of each other