Profile For Jay O.

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Posted:  4 months, 3 weeks ago

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Question from a lay person car driver

Hi to all,

To me trucking is a hard way to make a living. I know I'd never be able to handle those machines. It's also kinds cool how it seems to have a real fraternity, and its own culture. I guess life on the road can foster such things.

I also acknowledge the vital services truckers provide. That was emphasized especially during the pandemic. Thanks, truckers.

So....I like and respect truckers and trucking. But I don't know any truckers personally, so I joined this forum to ask this:

My one recurring complaint with trucks on the road is when one truck is passing the other on an interstate. The passer often seems to go only a couple of MPH more than the one being passed, and it can take a mile or more to complete the pass.....meanwhile there is often 10,20, or30 cars waiting to pass both trucks. That is frustrating.

I wonder that if the passing truck is going flat out ( which I assume ) is it possible for the truck being passed to briefly slow down a little, just until the passing truck can get by it. i don't think i've ever see that happen.

Is there some good reason re the truck itself why that doesn't seem to take place? It aggravates a lot of drivers when it takes so long for one truck to pass another.

Thanks for any replies you can offer.... Jay

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