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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
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Yes, I have nerve damage. I have no feeling to my left arm.
I am dealing with the same issue as many. Please share any doctor that may be helpful. I have called many in my state but none know what I am talking about or say their doctor does not perform those evaluations. What do you tell them that you need? I kept being told to talk to the DMV.
What is the disability?
Posted: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
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I am dealing with the same issue as many. Please share any doctor that may be helpful. I have called many in my state but none know what I am talking about or say their doctor does not perform those evaluations. What do you tell them that you need? I kept being told to talk to the DMV.
Posted: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
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Need Help With A Skill Performance Evaluation
Hello everyone,
I have been working as an owner-operator for 5 years now. I would like to work in intercommerce but due to the nerve damage to my left arm, I can only use my right arm. I have been having a hard time finding a state-qualified orthopedic who can perform the SPE evaluation on me. I am willing to go out of state and pay out of pocket but can any one refer me to a Doctor who has done it for you? I would really appreciate it.
Posted: 8 months, 2 weeks ago
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Getting your SPE Certificate
Yes, it was due to an accident that happen about 20 years ago. He was from San Francisco too, so I would not be able to find him.