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Posted: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
"I am one of them. This method is a very bad idea, calling for accidents and as a result, much longer delays. A merge is never a surprise - DOT places signs informing drivers well in advance, so everybody has a chance to prepare and change lanes. Leaving this change for the last second is both a naive and a dangerous decision". (Andrey).
Well, I suppose you don't have to agree with it as long as you don't block others from using it. That's all I have to say. (John Y)
To others: If you don't want a response from me then just don't reply......
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
Well, I wasn't planning to reply anymore but I think that I have to since I started this thing. A few years back I was on the NE extension of the PA turnpike. There was construction and a zipper merge. The State Police were in the left lane directing traffic to use both lanes and another one was at the merge point directing people to merge. It worked perfectly. I know that there won't be state police present at most merge points, but maybe there should be. The zipper merge does work if people use it properly. Maybe more education is needed, I don't know. But if some people use it and others are totally against it, it will not. That is all I got....
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
Fair enough Davey A. I did learn some things here. I still think that there are going to be issues because I am not sure everyone agrees with your good logic. Anyway, still a good conversation even though I ruffled some feathers as some did mine. I will go now (for real).
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
Thanks BK. That was a good response. I guess we aren't going to figure out the right method for zipper merging here though. I don't think that anyone wants to stick their neck out that far and hear the rath. Do you use both lanes to the merge point or not? That's all I really wanted to know. But anyway. I am worn out now. I will go away.
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
I couldn't agree more. But I still don't understand how to merge with a truck in a zipper zone? I really don't. So, this will happen again and again. What do you want us 4 wheelers to do? If I merge early before the merge point and I happen to go in front of you you don't like that either. So, tell me what I should do. Really, I want to know so that I can tell my wife, and daughter, and son and mother so there are no conflicts with them also.
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
No, I asked what is the way truckers want the merge lane to be used? Read my previous response. If the sign says to use both lanes to the merge point and that is not what you think is correct then tell us what is correct. I am not trying to back you into a corner. Tell me what is the correct way? If you don't know how are us 4 wheelers supposed to know?
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
Stop evading the question. Educate us. Once I am educated I will tell others what to do. I honesty will. So, the signs say to use both lanes to merge point. I did what the sign says. If that is not correct how is any 4 wheeler supposed to know? What is your correct way?
Posted: 7 months, 4 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
Well, your site coordinator won't post any of my replies anymore. I never had a disdain for truckers until now. Ok, I get it, drop back next time. But there seems to be no advice on these posts to inform other truckers how they should merge in a zipper zone. That is disappointing to me. That was my reason to post here. Not to aggravate everyone. Go look back at when the posts started turning negative. It wasn't from me....
Posted: 8 months ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
I guess your site coordinator won't publish any more of my posts. Charade. Really? It seems that you can't accept criticism. You like to hand it out though. One good recommendation from this site is that next time I should call 911. I do have a dash cam now and I will be reporting aggressive behavior and lane blocking. So be careful out there. Now it is my turn to be the highway police (but not judge and jury as one of your compatriots did)....
Posted: 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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Let's see of this forum is as friendly as it says!!
Thanks BK. I like the picture of your dog. I have one I got from the shelter. She is truly man's best friend. Good advice from you. It is a crazy world right now. I hope that it gets better soon!