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Posted: 5 months, 1 week ago
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I Need Some Advice On Finding My Next Trucking Job
So looking for some information about how to apply to a driving job if the last job I had put I had a incident on my dac report and I didn't have any accidents or incident. And now I can't get a driving job because of it. Or can you tell me company that will maybe little me do training and show them I can drive. So basically I got let go Because I had a few following to close. But they didn't even give me a chance to fix it and when I got back to the terminal for home time. I was told I needed to clean out my truck and now I can't get another driving job because of what they put on dac report.
Posted: 5 months, 1 week ago
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I Need Some Advice On Finding My Next Trucking Job
So I have learned from it and was also looking for companies that mit let me do training again since I'm a new driver and only been doing otr for 3 months. I'm willing to do that if it means I can drive again also thinking about team driving to show them I can drive.