Profile For BrookeC.93

BrookeC.93's Info

  • Location:
    Eastern, NC

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

  • Social Link:
    BrookeC.93 On The Web

  • Joined Us:
    2 months, 3 weeks ago

BrookeC.93's Bio

Signal- @BrookeC.93 I’m a 29 year old married female truck driver from NC.

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Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Parking for OTR Drivers-What do you look for?

Hey there Renee,

Personally I do not worry too much as far as being a ‘female’ truck driver. Most everyone I have run into are fairly decent but you have to use your street smarts and good judgement. I have POM spray but you do need to be aware of laws concerning pepper spray depending on where you are driving. Lock your doors always.

Park near well lit areas as close to the building of a trucks stop as you can and within camera view if possible. Do not discuss what you are carrying with anyone as far as load or otherwise.

Always stay alert. Plan your trip accordingly so that you are always picking a truck stop and never ‘hunting’ for a truck stop. Pre-trip planning is as important as driving. Make sure to pick truck stops you are comfortable with.

Use good judgment, this can’t be said enough.

Stay safe!

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Wife ethics as a new trucker.

I appreciate the reply, I figured I would drop in to share an update. I actually decided to take the male trainer and have just gotten my own truck.

Initially I was in between waiting for a female trainer or getting to train instantly with a male trainer. After speaking with a couple of family members and friends I was convinced not to tell my husband that the trainer was a male. I didn’t like being dishonest about it but I didn’t want to stress about it or have him worry the entire time I was training.

Training was to be 4-6 weeks but I did well enough that after 4 he said I was ready. I want sure what to expect. It turned out to be nothing like I expected.

The trainer was a single guy but he was very respectful. I would describe everything as not regulated as far as what to talk about. We discussed topics that of course would probably be something you shouldn’t discuss as a married person but it kept the stress levels in the air down and was all in good fun.

He was a wealth of information and made sure I knew what I was doing before clearing me to drive.

I came prepared for the “just in case” scenarios which honestly I had an open mind with. My family and friends are a bad influence in that aspect.

Now that I am in my own truck which happened to only have 857 miles on in total, I am super happy I got on when I did!

Posted:  2 months, 3 weeks ago

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Wife ethics as a new trucker.

I recently graduated truck driving school through my local community college. I applied for a company OTR and got hired. My husband is also a truck driver but for a different company and he has expressed that he would only be comfortable with me being mentored by a female trainer.

Here’s the thing, the soonest I can get a female trainer is 8 months out but they have a male trainer available in a week. I personally don’t mind if it’s a male so I’m kind of inclined to just omit to my husband whether it’s a female or not.

I suppose my question is, how common is it really for mentors and trainees to end up engaged in “stuff” during several weeks of training OTR? I’m honestly usually just one to keep my head down and work towards my goals.

Is it just one of those technicalities where I should manage my expectations or should I just wait for a female.

Thanks for letting me waste your time for a probably common question.

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