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Posted:  2 months, 1 week ago

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Hazmat driver 30 minute paid break

I am in Arizona and I drive a fuel truck to gas stations usually within a 150 mi radius and we have elogs. Recently it has become an issue where drivers would pull over and take a half hour nap as their 30 minute paid break and now they say it is becoming an issue nationwide and now only allow 10 minutes to sleep and anything over that you have to clock out

If we are unloading the truck at the station not driving that is considered a 30 minute break or if I go eat at Burger King for my break that is not an issue either as long as your eyes are open.

Six months ago we had a driver die because he fell asleep while driving and crashed into another truck and rolled over. My concern is that other drivers will not log out and keep driving knowing that they need to pull over and rest. I see this as a safety issue and that we should be able to do what we want to do with our 30 minute break and that a company that makes 9 billion in profit every year is requesting unreasonable policy changes after years of no issues.

The work is getting done and we are safer on the road especially when management has told us on many occasions if you are tired get off the road but only for 10 minutes now. That's not even enough time to park and go get a coffee or use the restroom.

We normally do not drive for 8 hours straight. It is broken up, so I guess my question is can a company implement such a policy that endangers driver's, especially hauling fuel?

I personally have not had to take a nap for several weeks I'm just worried about that one driver that has stuff that keeps him awake at night is not going to want to take that pay cut as minimal as it may seem but it adds up over the weeks so I'm wondering if I should reach out to DOT, DPS, or the industrial commission hopefully someone has a similar story. Thank you

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