Profile For Mom C.

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Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Son heading to Melton's early tomorrow. Very anxious!

Hi everyone!

Thank you for all the encouragement and advice! I was really panicking when I joined this forum, but am off the ledge and you all have helped so much.

Yes, he has his medical clearance. He has been off seizure medication and seizure free for over 15 years and the CP only presents as left side weakness when very tired (looks like a slight limp). He researched extensively before going this route and got all his ppw in order, plus got all additional endorsements he could, with the exception of hazmat.

Melton is treating him very well! They paid for the flight, hotel and shuttle the trainees to the facility. They even provide a sit down lunch.He PASSED his initial physical exam this morning. Had to carry an 80 lb. tarp and climb some boxes. He says it looks a lot higher up there. Now they are learning load securement. There are so many in his group of trainees. He said around 60 people.

And I am not calling him at all, only responding to his texts (haha)!

He has read on this forum, but I do not think he has joined yet. It would be wonderful for him to have as much assistance as possible when/if he goes out on his own.

Again, thank you all for being here for ME. This is new to me and was a complete surprise, so quite a learning curve. i think he is really enjoying himself!

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Son heading to Melton's early tomorrow. Very anxious!

I wrote a long reply, but don't see it. Currently, this is my life line. Hopefully, I can learn how to navigate this site.

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Son heading to Melton's early tomorrow. Very anxious!

Thank you both for replying to me! It means so much.

My son is only 23 yrs. old. He has led a sheltered life, and I worry so much about what may happen to him.

Kearsey, I know that I was the very best Mom I knew how to be...maybe too much so. Helicopter parenting is a mild term compared to how he was raised. It has just been him and I. And, I gotta let him do his thing, and not let my anxieties get in his way.

He is excited about seeing the country, being independent, learning new skills, and I am excited for him. But, he was born with a heart defect, somewhat corrected ( still aortic valve leakage ), epilepsy, reactive airway disease - the worse thing when he was little, cerebral palsy, which is not currently evident, unless you know what you're looking for, a diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos NOS, and suspected muscular dystrophy. He is also now 6'1 " tall, 190 lbs and exceeded everything medical professionals ever said he would. I was told he would never walk, talk, and would be a vegetable his whole life. He graduated college with a 3.7. His health and well-being has been my singular focus. Now I have to learn how to let him go, and not hold him back. That is why I am reaching out to you guys.

Posted:  1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Son heading to Melton's early tomorrow. Very anxious!

Hi all,

I started reading on this forum many months ago, when my son first expressed interest into going into this line of work. First off, I want to say that the people here seem very knowledgeable, down-to-earth and much more "real" than the coworkers I have worked with for almost 3 decades. I really hope you can give me honest feedback and advice. I hope nothing I write offends anyone, because I do not mean to offend.

My son, my everything, is leaving tomorrow morning to begin his orientation at Melton's to be an OTR truck driver ( flat bed ). From my research, this is a dangerous job. I am terrified of the dangers he will face. I am scared of the tarping/untarping, I am scared that he may injure himself, make a mistake while driving - like hit a barrier and end up in the ocean, maybe be the victim of violence...I am just so terrified.

He is a very smart boy. I try to keep reassuring myself of this and know it to be true, but right now, I cannot stop shaking. I am so scared. Any information into this world would be greatly appreciated. BTW, he did have multiple health issues, from a newborn until he was about 5-6 yrs old. He has overcome SO much. I need help with living while he tries this.

Please help me.

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