Profile For Brogan D.

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    Denver, CO

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    In CDL School

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    7 months, 2 weeks ago

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Looking to go OTR and live out of the truck!

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Posted:  7 months, 1 week ago

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Best Company For Living Out Of The Truck?

Brogan, you’ll have to accept what is offered to you. Being a new driver is not like ordering from a menu at a restaurant. Many companies will be happy with your desire to stay out and not be routed home frequently. Almost any truck you are issued will have the basic comfort features for the driver. Inverters, refrigerators and full time heat and a/c are standard. What’s more important is for you to have the flexibility and willingness to go with the flow. Can you do that?

O yeah, I'll do whatever is needed to get the job done, right, safely, and on time. I do have several pre-hire letters and will have to choose a company to work for. I'm just trying to do my due diligence in order to find the company(s) where the company and I are a good fit for each other. That way we both succeed :)

Thanks for letting me know about the driver comforts.

Posted:  7 months, 1 week ago

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Best Company For Living Out Of The Truck?

Hey Everyone!

I'm currently in CDL school and have been reaching out to numerous employers. When I graduate I'm looking to go solo OTR and live out of the truck. I want to get rid of my rent and as many bills as I can. But with living in the truck I have a unique list of preferences for the carrier I work for. So, with all the experience on here I thought I'd ask which carriers you all think would be good to work for if I'm living out of the truck. Below are the main things I'm looking for from a carrier:

1) Pay/miles (Looking to be a road warrior, just wanna work and take very little hometime)

2) Take hometime anywhere in the country (to see friends and family)

3) No Slip-seating (Assigned truck that I can take with me on hometime)

4) Works across the lower 48, and Canada (I want to see the country but prefer to not be mostly in the NE)

5) Truck Comforts (Prefer to have an APU/EPU, Inverter, and Fridge)

These are the main things I feel like are important to get from a carrier if living in the truck. If you know of any other things that are also important to consider from a carrier when living out of the truck, please let me know.

I'll have my hazmat, tanker, doubles/triples, and TWIC card. So far, I'm most likely going with Melton, or maybe Werner as a back up. Also talking with Swift, Knight, and Stevens Transport. I'd prefer flatbed or van, but am open to reefer or tanker. I'd like long trips and semi-regular hours if I can, lol. I've reached out to a lot of possible carriers and most either aren't hiring out of Denver (where I'm located), require experience, or don't meet requirements 2 thru 4 above.

However, I still wanted to reach out and see what everyone's input and experience is as far as what to look for from carriers if your planning on living in the truck and also which carriers you all think would be good to work for if living on the road!

Thanks a ton for everyone's help and hope to see you all out there!!

Posted:  7 months, 1 week ago

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Making Phone Calls While Driving?

Yeah, the only two companies I've been able to ask directly about it so far are Melton and Werner and they both said they have a no phone call policy, even with hands free devices.

Seems like I found the couple companies that actually have this kind of policy, lol.

Thanks for the replies!

Posted:  7 months, 2 weeks ago

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Making Phone Calls While Driving?

Hey ya'all!

I was wondering if most carriers especially the megas have policies that forbid drivers from making phone calls while driving? I know its not against FMCSA but spoke to a couple of megas that said they don't allow drivers to make phone calls, even hands free, while driving.

I'm currently in CDL school and am looking to go OTR, live in the truck, and work my but off. I was thinking it would be nice to catch up with family and friends while driving, but it looks like that won't be the case.

Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you!

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