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Posted:  3 weeks, 6 days ago

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Shifting and maneuver practice in a school only?

The tanker position is a 5 week finishing program for safety and learning how to handle them. As well, it won’t be hazardous material for this particular position.

Even beginners join their training from zero for about 8 weeks and learn in an empty tanker and take their CDL test onsite in a tanker. If they can do it, I am sure I can also do it

As I gain experience, eventually I can move up or move over to another position higher paying with hazardous goods.

Flatbed is still an option and will need to learn how to drive that one also. Some companies train their people directly in the truck they will be working with (dry van, flatbeds or tanker).

Ultimately it will be who is paying more for my journey and what support they have for beginners. I any case I’ll have to join the company’s finishing programs.

I once had to take a driving test in manual in Japan to get my license there - on the opposite side of the car and using my left hand to shift. I’m sure I will do fine in the truck before the test day. That’s why I’m preparing in advance.

I was able to find a school (they called back today) allowing me come 6x per week, between 9am - 3pm each day. $600 per week.

I’m not the only person in my school learning on manual truck. People pass even not over doing the training. Because I plan to pass the first time.

Jessica, driving and shifting a car with a synchronized Manual transmission is totally different lfrom operating a non synchronized truck transmission and double clutching and getting the right RPMs with each shift. But if you can get the hang of it, I respect that. I have posed the question before: Would you prefer to pass the test in an auto or fail it in a manual? Each student has to answer that for themselves.

Also, going for tanker driving right out of the gate is not safe, recommended or probably not even possible. If you want to do flatbed right away, that is much more realistic. But get in your first year safely and then make your decision on how to proceed.

Like Kearsey said, don’t overthink it and don’t think so far ahead that you lose focus on just the main requirement, that is, getting your CDL. Good luck..


Posted:  4 weeks ago

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Shifting and maneuver practice in a school only?

Thank you!

I will focus more for sure on the backing / parking then.

Stop over thinking. The test is not expecting it to be second nature. That takes a great deal of time and every truck is different. As long as you are recovering, there is a limit to the points you get for shifting. Stall and impede traffic, then its an auto fail. I failed twice for stalling. But who cares. I passed.

You won't fail for shifting. Not unless you really really suck at driving. The test is so easy now it is freaking laughable. I had some seriously scary students who passed on the first try.

Just relax and drive.

Posted:  4 weeks ago

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Shifting and maneuver practice in a school only?

Hi Bk thank you for your response.

So I usually only even drive manual cars for the last 18 or so years. I know, unpopular practice in these days. This year I own my second automatic but it at least it has a manual mode with ability to actually shift and control my gears. My first automatic was when I was like 16 years old.) And I was driving manual only from 18. LOL.

Honestly I didn’t want to limit myself on automatic license in terms of job opportunities or have to take another driving test later to remove the restriction. There were some oil and gas companies with openings requiring manual. (They also train everything with beginners to the industry) Of course I’m looking at traditional companies also and will take the best offers. My goal is Tanker. Second is flatbed. Third is intermodal (those those guys usually prefer experience), then Dry van.

I don’t think I have a huge problem with shifting. But I’d like to practice and get second nature with the truck.

Yesterday I spent 2 hours up and down shifting without using the break unless I really needed to reset. I spend time listening to the truck and trying to find the right gear for the situation and speed.

They (one particular trainer) are not really teaching me in a right or useful way. I can’t speak for other trainers who might be a better match to me.

I did better myself just watching a YouTube video and practicing it on my own when they got out of my truck.

I was working on down shifting. Really it won’t move easily if the speed is too high. This guy was trying to force it into gear. And I’m like.. it’s moving way more easily if I let the engine speed slow a bit and then down shift. If you force it into gear the tractor (or car) will be jerky as it forces the engine. I don’t want to be jerking when a trailer or tank is behind me. Maybe in some emergency?

If I need to get into a lower gear quickly, it makes sense to apply breaks, release and then shift down. Not just shift down at a high speed.

Please correct me if I’m wrong though. 🤷‍♀️

As for maneuvers, well that can be done in an automatic technically…

So I guess I need 2 trucks. 😂 1 manual without a trailer and an automatic with a trailer. And a yard.

I suppose renting a pickup and trailer and going to a parking lot late at night can still be better than nothing like Tobias suggested. 🤣🤣

Tobias, I think Jessica only has her learner’s permit, not her actual CDL-A license. She can correct me if I’m wrong.

Jessica, if I were you right now I think I would pursue your training and testing in an auto tranny truck. Almost all companies that you could start with are running autos. This is just a suggestion and only my opinion based on a limited knowledge of your circumstances. Then you wouldn’t have to be so worried about finding a way to get more manual tranny practice.

I feel bad for new drivers trying to get started in the profession right now. Very tough economic environment for new hires. See Brett’s topic above about the great freight recession we are currently experiencing. All you can do is to try and get your CDL and keep applying for jobs.

Posted:  4 weeks ago

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Shifting and maneuver practice in a school only?

I’m taking trucking lessons paid by WIOA.

I have my CDL learner permit and EDLT completed and health card.

I’ve been learning mostly online with YouTube … my school is a bit too lax and not a good fit for me. I chose wrong. Their study guide was not helpful. They don’t have a class for permit and they aren’t really pushing folks to get a permit . It’s more like study on your own and you can get it a month later or 6 months later.

Meanwhile, another school has a class full-time for three days and then people need to get their permit within that first week. So that seems more structured…

I found some amazing resources online on my own and passed my 3 tests within 2 days.

It’s too late to change schools or get a grant for a different school or join any company programs. I’ve been ready to start since July 1. Or even before then. More like June 24th. Due to an incompetent person at an American job center handling my WIOA grant, didn’t take first class until August 5th. Didn’t get scheduled for shifting and skills until Sept 16th.Scheduled for the CDL exam on October 11.

I’m actually trying to get some driving practice in (shifting and maneuvering). They don’t have many hours scheduled for me and the lessons are far between. Next 3 days I have nothing to do. I feel like progress I made today might get lost by next Monday. This school definitely dragged me beyond a 6 week program. Takes 12 weeks not including the other 5 - 6 weeks I was waiting in late June.

Other people might not be in a rush because they have some other job. But I am unemployed, my unemployment is already maxed out just last week. Had I been able to start everything on time I would have already been employed by now.

I have some job offers lined up, but I can barely even get practice in to make sure I’m passing this test the first time and not dragging into November.

Is there anywhere I would be able to get shifting practice done without starting over in a program or paying full price for the learning since I don’t need edlt or classroom hours?

I’m in Illinois and willing to travel to some surrounding states to get this done.

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