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Posted: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Big Nasty Problem with Truck Plates
We agree, we DO NOT want to just sit here for however long it takes. However, we don't want any dings on our record either. Both our licenses and inspection histories are squeaky clean. Home is Phoenix. If they do release us to go home, we plan to run nights and keep a wary on Trucker Path. I know for sure we'll want to avoid certain areas of NM, as some of the scales there tend to be open all hours and all days. Should we take the temporary paper down or leave it up, and just show the copies of the paperwork our boss gave us?
Posted: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Big Nasty Problem with Truck Plates
So, we went to work for a smaller company as his first set of team drivers. I don't want to go into details about everything, just get into our current issue. When the boss bought the truck he paid for expedited title and licensing for it. We already have a DOT number and IFTA stickers, etc. However, the temporary license has now expired and we're stuck in Kenosha, WI, with no permanent plates yet. The company we're driving for had us drop their trailer and park at a truck stop nearby. Our boss has called everyone he can about the issue and they are saying that they're just getting to the licensing for everything through mid August. We are going to end up sitting unpaid, and they want to send us home while we wait for a resolution. We have copies of all the documents that were signed, and the receipts for payment of this expedited title and license on our phone. What are the legalities of us driving home with this expired temporary bobtail? We're prepared to drive at night and do what we can to be incognito, however that temporary tag in the windshield says September 7th, and I worry if we take it down that might be even more of a red flag. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Posted: 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Sore butt
My tailbone is busted up and curved like a snake, so it's a real problem for me. In some trucks I have to use one of those purple cushion. In our current truck it doesn't seem to be an issue most of the time, although I wish I could put the seat back another inch for my knees.