I need some advice, what are some other places to let people know I have truck parking spaces available for rent? I have tried facebook groups, facebook marketplace, facebook ads, craigslist, & offerup. I have yet to find anyone serious, most are just wondering how much it is and it doesn't go past that. I'm charging a fair price, compared to other locations. It is a mile away from the interstate and is a well built lot only 4 miles away from about 3 major truck stops. I know there is a truck parking shortage, but it feels like I'm not getting much traction. My lot is in Wilmer, TX, about 15-20 minutes south from downtown Dallas. Any suggestions as to how to better market my ad?
I’ve been in a similar spot trying to find reliable parking, and I’ve found that using platforms like Stackkly.com can be a real game-changer. They connect people looking for parking with those offering spots, making it easier to find serious renters. Since your lot is in a prime location near the interstate and major truck stops, listing it on a marketplace like https://stackkly.com might help you reach truckers who need long-term, reliable parking. It’s worked for me as a driver when other options didn’t pan out!
Posted: 4 months, 1 week ago
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Truck Parking Lot Help
I’ve been in a similar spot trying to find reliable parking, and I’ve found that using platforms like Stackkly.com can be a real game-changer. They connect people looking for parking with those offering spots, making it easier to find serious renters. Since your lot is in a prime location near the interstate and major truck stops, listing it on a marketplace like https://stackkly.com might help you reach truckers who need long-term, reliable parking. It’s worked for me as a driver when other options didn’t pan out!