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Posted: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Yep I've been there ! Going to a new company with all this new tech & cameras, I thought I was hearing things too lol. Sad thing about it is that most companies will be installing cameras and other safety lane sensors in/on the trucks for insurance reasons. Company I work for is all in this, cameras tape non-stop inside/outside while truck is running & a certain time period after the truck is shut off. This is because of some accidents (our company drivers involved) the cameras didn't trigger or didn't get enough information before the accident. The company doesn't get on you and nitpick over everything that triggers the camera to record. Taping 24 vs recording is different, recording - red lights flashing - gets a human to watch and judge if it should be passed along to the company for actions or just talking, taping is just on record if something happens they need to go back and look through.
forgot to say about 99% (maybe more ? ) of the time red light recording is nothing and you hear nothing about it.
Posted: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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TSA background checks... for hazmat.
Where to start ? Getting the Hazmat I guess was not the issue, though your background very well may be the issue. A Registered Sex Offender .... not helping you - still on parole..... not helping you - the guns and explosives is not good but not as bad as the other two I listed.
Trust me when I say this, EVERYTHING COMES UP ON YOU ON A GOV'T BACKGROUND CHECK ! If it's on file, record or convicted they know about it. And again trust me when I say this, certain offenses will NEVER leave your record, they're there for life and beyond. It's just a matter of what they can hold against you for the time length from when it happened.
Most GOOD Hazmat companies to work for do a throughly background check, and depending on what they do they will overlook certain felonys. Though that RSO label, has bigger companies to deny employment for insurance reasons. I don't know your story but that label is a huge hinderance to you which you already know. I've heard stories of high school teenagers in love (under 18)......... Boy turns 18 or later (not long) though they're still dating.... vengeful parents go after him and press charges... Guy gets RSO and F's his whole life up !
As for a Hazmat endorsement test, just go to the local DMV and take the test like you would for any other DMV test Class C or A or any other endorsements, its FREE.
Posted: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Yep I've been there ! Going to a new company with all this new tech & cameras, I thought I was hearing things too lol. Sad thing about it is that most companies will be installing cameras and other safety lane sensors in/on the trucks for insurance reasons. Company I work for is all in this, cameras tape non-stop inside/outside while truck is running & a certain time period after the truck is shut off. This is because of some accidents (our company drivers involved) the cameras didn't trigger or didn't get enough information before the accident. The company doesn't get on you and nitpick over everything that triggers the camera to record. Taping 24 vs recording is different, recording - red lights flashing - gets a human to watch and judge if it should be passed along to the company for actions or just talking, taping is just on record if something happens they need to go back and look through.
Posted: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Inward Facing Cameras & AI
Welcome to the new world of trucking. Yes I work for a company that has cameras in/out non-stop while the truck is running and X time beyond shutoff , also with AI newly installed recently within the last couple months.
The company polices are kind of strict to start with so not much of a oh no. I've haven't seen nor experienced any repercussion from the cameras. #1 rule don't touch any electronic item while the truck is moving (your phone or tablet we use) if caught on video your fired ! #2 which is geo marked on all locations for roads, don't stop at a railroad, you're fired ! you might as well just turn around and go home cause you're fired ! The rest is all up to debate, and yes I mean TOUCH not use a electronic device can get you fired, handsfree bluetooth is a fired also.
They pay good so I'm cool about it