Profile For Ditch Lights

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Posted:  3 months ago

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Question for Brett

I'm sorry, but I'm a bit confused about what you're asking. I see you changed your display name and avatar, but I'm not sure what else you'd like to change.

I looked at one of my recent replies, and it showed as "Pinky" replied. That was the name I made this account under but was wondering if i could change that? Or if this account could be deleted and remade under a different name?

Posted:  3 months ago

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Question for Brett

I just had a quick question if its possible to change my name, it still shows up as what I named the account when I made it but I changed my username and was curious if it's possible to be changed or if i'd just have to make a new account?


Posted:  3 months ago

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TruckingTruth's only Railroader

Best of luck to you. I fuel and service freight train engines. What will you be doing with the railroad?

Do you only fuel for a certain company or how does your job work, i know this is a trucking forum but that might be interesting to read about since it is still a "driving" job.

I'm going to be a signal maintainer.

Posted:  3 months ago

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TruckingTruth's only Railroader

Best of luck to ya Ditch Lights!


I am glad that I got the experience of driving OTR but I think going back to the railroad is ideal for me.


I've always said there's no risk in taking a shot at trucking because you'll learn a ton, make great memories, and you can walk away anytime. So why not?

Now you have your CDL and you can always go back to trucking if things change. So you have a backup career. That's a great thing!

Again, all the best to ya!

Hey Brett!, I've been a long time lurker on the forum and have always found the members very knowledgeable, I'm definitely glad I got my CDL and did give it a shot, I love sightseeing and that was probably the biggest draw for me but the position from the RR is kind of too good to pass up.

I'm going to still check and read the posts here, so I'll do my best to not be a stranger. I appreciate the well wishes and Happy Holidays to everyone here!

Posted:  3 months ago

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TruckingTruth's only Railroader


Evening everyone, I know I posted a few weeks ago about getting back into trucking, but I've reevaluated what I want and have decided to accept a position back working on the railroad. I worked for a Class 1 previously before I went into driving, so I know what to expect with the position. I do plan to keep my CDL with all endorsements and I am glad that I got the experience of driving OTR but I think going back to the railroad is ideal for me.


Funny that you mention that... because ever since I got hired on with Roehl (pronounced Rail) I've considered myself and fellow Roehl drivers as "Roehl roaders" (railroaders). 😂

Best wishes to you in your new/old career!

I've never quoted a reply so I hope it turns out correctly, but when I first started driving, I in fact drove for Roehl, I remember a lady at a shipper thinking I was picking up a container because I said "Picking up for Roehl"... I was even wearing one of the company shirts that said "Roehl" on the chest lol. Their name definitely was a confusing one for many but they were a good company with good equipment. Their Gary, IN and Marshfield terminals were way better than Conley, GA was...

Thanks for the well wishes, I'm looking forward to it!

Posted:  3 months ago

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TruckingTruth's only Railroader

Evening everyone, I know I posted a few weeks ago about getting back into trucking, but I've reevaluated what I want and have decided to accept a position back working on the railroad. I worked for a Class 1 previously before I went into driving, so I know what to expect with the position. I do plan to keep my CDL with all endorsements and I am glad that I got the experience of driving OTR but I think going back to the railroad is ideal for me.

Posted:  3 months, 3 weeks ago

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Driving school

I went to CDL School over 4 years ago, but the school I went to was good and bad. The instructors were all very knowledgeable and were very easy to work with and you could tell all of them cared about passing on their knowledge. It was paid for by the VA for me but, I'd definitely pay out of pocket looking back.

Now... the negatives. The class size was about 40 students so every seat was full, with some standing and every instructor had 10-15 students. The worst 2 parts, in my opinion were the trucks and the seat time... all the trucks ran but they were Volvo VNL's with manual transmissions that were beat to crap and weren't well maintained. The actual testing truck was an International that they did maintain.

The seat time, when I went, the school still had previous students from prior classes that were coming back to practice before going out with the tester, so the trucks to student ratio, wasn't ideal. In our 4 weeks, i think we went on the road for about 30 minutes twice or 3 times, with 3 other students watching the one driving and the instructor in the passenger seat and we'd rotate at specific points on the route.

Overall, I'm very glad I chose the school I went to and to answer your question, I'd definitely pay for that program again but the most important things I'd consider would be the quality of the instructors and the hands on experience the school offered, regardless of the price. Anyone can tell you to read the Pre-Trip and walk around the truck. The difference though is if the instructors WANT TO be there and actually give you real life situations and experiences to consider as a driver, and not just collect a paycheck and play on their phones.

Posted:  3 months, 4 weeks ago

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Should I get back into driving?

I'm very familiar with E.W Wylie, I've seen their trucks often and live right by their terminal. I originally started doing flatbed, and perhaps if I was in better shape, i'd consider going back to it.

In terms of getting back into trucking, I've also considered going to tanker, there's a few companies by me that pay well but, I guess at the end of the day I'm leaning more towards trying a different job because I can gain new skills and do something i've never done before.

Posted:  3 months, 4 weeks ago

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Should I get back into driving?

Very true, on both aspects of every job having stuff I will not like but the other thing I'm considering is even though I can save more easily with going back to driving, I'm wanting to try new things and learn more skills that i could possibly use for a future job. I've only ever done customer service jobs and driving.

I'm still on the fence but I still have some time to consider my options. Thanks for the advice!

Posted:  3 months, 4 weeks ago

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Good hazmat company?

I've heard Gemini Transport is a good one, same with PFJ. Me personally, I'd take a look into Sheetz. I've heard they're a really good company to work for in terms of driving, but I'm not sure if there are any local to you.

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