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Posted: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Agreed, but I'm not sure I have this document. All I remember getting is the card.
You can get your long form from your doctor. That did the original test he’s required to keep it. It’s so not used unless you have a six month or one year card… the doctor rarely gives it to you because the federal amount of Carrier safety administration will not ask you for it unless there’s something really strange
Your physical is now attached to your CDL A… but not your long form so your DOT doesn’t have it stored someplace. It’s just not necessary and if you get audited, it’s not something they check…. I gave the criteria of an audit above…. Again, unless there’s something definitely odd.
Your doctor can actually fax it to you at the waystation if for some reason you’re asked for it but it’s very unlikely and if you get audited, the odds are practically zero because it’s a waste of time to look at your long form physical when they can take a look at your medical card… even if you just have a year physical there’s really no reason to look at anything else the long form is basically notes taken by the doctor to support why he gave you the card gave you the one year or two year the settlement carrier typically does not question a doctor because they’re not qualified to do so unless it’s under very special circumstances like for example if you ran over for five pedestrians
Posted: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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David, the employer is legally and financially responsible if you go out there and kill someone and the cause is something related to your medical history. It's their trucks, it's their legal liability, so it's their call. They can examine you to any level they feel is necessary to protect themselves. It's not for you to decide if something is relevant to them or not. That's for them to determine any way they see fit.
You don't have the right to medical privacy
I would doubt that the FMCSA ASK FOR YOUR LONG FORM… it was probably someone who wasn’t related to the federal care, safety administration.
According to theFMCSA: 🔴〰️”A Safety Audit consists of a review of a carrier's safety data, a review of motor carrier documents, and an interview with the motor carrier's safety official.” 567.〰️🔴 Unlimited. https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov › MyFiles
There is so much false information out there propagated by drivers that often drivers or confused or let astray.
🔴〰️” FMCSA audits owner-operators as part of the New Entrant Safety Assurance Program: New Entrant Safety Assurance Audit New trucking companies, including owner-operators, must undergo a safety audit within their first 18 months of business. The FMCSA also monitors new entrants through roadside inspections. Safety audit requirements New entrants must: Operate safely Maintain up-to-date records Conduct periodic inspections Perform maintenance on commercial motor vehicles (CMV) Pass the safety audit ”〰️🔴
It’s extremely unlikely they asked for your long-form physical is a matter of fact you can call the federal Motor care safety administration at at
🟢〰️MCSA Information Line Call 1-800-832-5660 f〰️🟢
Perhaps they were very suspicious of things you had told them or perhaps it looked like your card was forged… I’ve been driving a long time and Owner Operators make about half of what you can make as a company driver. The average owner operator only makes $60,000 a year after expenses. To me, it’s a foolish move to be become an owner operator. I hear a lot of crap about how much money they make compared paychecks. You can make good money working for FedEx or UPS to be a good driver and there’s many companies in Chicago where you can clear 3000 a week after taxes.
Have you ever took your medical card and they ask you for your lung form? It’s a total waste of time and they just don’t do it. Give them a call. The odds that they asked in your case is exactly 0 unless you have some serious physical defects, and I would encourage all drivers out there to check it out by calling FMCSA!
Wayne I have to disagree with some of your statement.
I have my own authority and when FMCSA conducted my audit they asked for the long form on me. I am the only driver as well as the owner. I have a 2 year card.
Also I am pretty sure the latest DOT physical is the current and invalidates any prior ones because every state makes you self certify the latest card.
Posted: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Since the long form is an FMCSA document, everything on there is relevant to them.
Why the paranoia?
Not really. The long-term physical isn’t really relevant at all to a driver unless he has health problems to begin with. A driver with a two year physical means that there aren’t any relevant physical problems. I’ve seen Drivers with six months physical, which means they do have some relevant problems and in that instance. It’d be a good idea to take a look at their long-form and find out why they only have a six months physical
Their other companies that are famous for giving their own physical and then giving you a six months physical card so that makes it difficult to get another job. Because this has been used by some relatively large companies to enslave their drivers…. You can call the DOT and they’ll put your original to your card back in the play.
Of course, if you go to a doctor for the DOT physical.. that’s the one that they keep on file
If you have a good two-year medical card and ask for the long form, there is something wrong because it’s not relevant
Posted: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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Long Form Physical
I work for the state and research and statistics for many years.. I started straight Outta college and worked on my graduate degree while working for the state and getting my tuition reimbursed.
It’s important to understand that if you have a question it’s from uncertainty. You might really reply and it conflicts with what you know…. And your question.It. Unless someone sites their source and it’s an original source, not something they heard in the men’s restroom at the truckstop.. but they can actually site the source… you should check with the actual source… for example the FMCSA itself
You aren’t required to carry around the long form. The DOT doesn’t keep a copy of it…. So the odds of them asking you for either if you’re being audited is practically zero and they’ll tell you this.
A lot of drivers live by Myths. An example is personal convenience you hear all kinds of time limits and so on but the fact is there’s absolutely no limit to personal convenience. The federal motor carrier safety administration tells you that you’re still responsible for safe driving and if you have an accident or you get a citation you’re responsible for that.
But there’s times when there’s really no safe place to stop and you might have to drive 200 miles after you run out of hours of service you also don’t have to stop at the first available place to stop… the law says it’s what you consider safe the driver determines what safe
This doesn’t mean that you might not get a ticket for personal convenience.. but the courts will throw it out. I guarantee you. They’re the scumbag state, such as Iowa for example that has people giving tickets for. Fog zone violation…. The our Supreme Court ruled that that was unconstitutional because it was a violation of the fourth amendment, right … C Tague versus Iowa.
when you go through Des Moines, it’s like you’ve run into the Mafia. They legally violate commercial drivers fourth amendment rights “illegal search and seizure after pulling commercial-driver over for a fog zone violation. Sometimes you have to find it because I’ll give you a ticket even though they know they’re filing your rights, but they’ve had some big awards against them and they might be calming down soon because people will be taking those corrupt officials out of their office