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Posted: 11 years ago
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Schneider National DG dedicated route...say it isnt going to always be this bad
The Biggest Mistake New Drivers Make When Speaking With Recruiters
What The Recruiter Can Not Help You With
The recruiter's job usually ends once you are signed up. Once the classes have begun at CDL school or you're out on the road with your new trucking company, the recruiter collects their check and they're on to the next driver. The promises they made are forgotten, unless you get them in writing. The conversations you had mean nothing any longer. They have no authority, nor any real interest in you anymore, nor should they.
Exactly..so now to just keep rolling :) Thank you
Posted: 11 years ago
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Schneider National DG dedicated route...say it isnt going to always be this bad
Thinkstoomuch Thank you for the info about the repair company and I completely agree about Schneider being a good choice overall..He is not a rookie to trucking but he is new at OTR and being gone 6 days home one..Its a big change for us..again thank you for the reply
Posted: 11 years ago
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Schneider National DG dedicated route...say it isnt going to always be this bad
Well thanks for the replies...I appreciate the kind things that were said as this is difficult for us as anything new for anyone would be...Please let me clarify and/or explain a couple of things especially to Daniel..Im not really sure why you would say "quit calling people and telling them my problems" I havent made a single phone call and the only ones my husband has made have been directly to any source of any problem or issue he may have had so Im really not sure why you said that..My husband and I both simply expected what he was told..I dont care if the average is .50 a mile or .12, he was told .34 (because he is not a rookie and has experience) so we expected what he was told. He never expected a new truck, he did expect one less than 3 years old, (again as he was told) and I can only assume anyones shock when all the other graduates from Schneider training rolled out in New or less than 3 year old trucks...Trust me he nor I think we are entitled or too good for anything..to assume that is ludicrous..My husband does not have to "prove" himself and be jerked around and then be rewarded for eating crap by receiving a new truck..No..he had an agreement and they defaulted period..if you tell me your giving me a duck..I expect something that quacks and looks like a duck..not a one winged bird that barks. As far as being thick skinned, sucking it up, proving himself etc..thats what he is doing because he has zero choice right now..please let me make it very clear that as far as Schneider goes I think they are a great company my problem is with the breakdown between the OC and the DG account..it is a huge difference..As far as the mechanical issues go..that is going to happen but I really dont think it should happen three times a week and he is losing loads because they have mandatory delivery times and the truck wont make it..and as far as me being a people person. throwing a fit etc..really? If I was throwing fits I sure wouldnt have came on a forum and express my concerns..I never bashed anyone..never cursed..nothing..I had issues..wanted to be an encouragement to a very ****ed off man that is hungry and tired and wants to support his family..so thank you so much Daniel for being so thoughtful and inspiring..
Posted: 11 years ago
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Schneider National DG dedicated route...say it isnt going to always be this bad
My husband recently went to work for Schneider on a dedicated route..we did alot of research and compared companies etc before he took this job..Schneider itself has been awesome. The problems started with the handling of the dedicated route part. He finished training on a Saturday afternoon around 3:00. Schneider had told him he was going home after training was over and rather than another 12 hour bus trip to travel 5 hours I drove to pick him up. However DG (dedicated route) decided he would be "transporting" a day cab to South Boston immediately, then they put him in a sleeper which was literally full of trash, duct taped windows, broken doors etc..He was so crushed..rapidly everything he had been working for started to vanish..No new truck, no hometime, no dispatch support, and the worst no money..By 9:30 that night we had traveled separately from Charlotte to SB ... 200 dollars later we were in a hotel room in SB both in tears. No one had returned his phone calls, he had zero clue where he was going, his phone had gotten broke when the broken cup holder spilled coffee on his phone..the roads were covered in ice..and it has only gotten worse...He was supposed to receive training pay for DG..he rode with trainer worked the DG account for the week of training but only received the regular training pay..later in SB they told him he would only get training pay if he needed further training..really? The .34 cents a mile is actually .30 They are "looking into the training pay" while we just received a ten day notice as our rent is almost a month behind..I stood in my first food line in the snow..this is crazy..He had the phone on speaker I know what the recruiter said and we budgeted likewise and it was a determining factor of going with Schneider..His first few days no one returned his calls, checked on him..later they apologized "it was the snowstorm" He made several calls as he had problems with the truck, gps etc..He has yet to go on a trip that the truck hasnt had a problem..last night he slepted in 20 degree weather with zero heat (its broke again) he has had zero food/drink today as he was supposed to be driving up and coming right back home then making a delivery two days ago..I know he should be more prepared..we havent had time to do squat..he literally got out of training and has been on the road since with less that 30 hours home... I feel awful Im home warm and he is out there busting his tail..he worked so hard and was so proud of himself when he finished training and then BAM..I dont understand the breakdown between SN and this DG account..My husband is very humble, he will take a lot of crap but this is crazy..they messed up his past two paychecks plus the missing training pay..this is about 800-1000 we are talking about and the future is not getting any brighter..these trucks keep having issues..Im just at a complete loss..He asked to be switched to Regional right when all this started and the recruiter said no..Last night was about the last straw for him..I think this is the third time in two weeks he had zero heat..He "should" be home later tonight and I really want to encourage him not complain ir rant and make it worse..I guess thats why Im trying to vent a bit here and ask for help/advice..thanks in advance for listening
Posted: 11 years ago
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Schneider National DG dedicated route...say it isnt going to always be this bad
Oh my gosh !! Thank you that is exactly what I needed.