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Posted: 1 month, 1 week ago
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Should I get a Kenworth truck on dollar general account
I’ve been working on dollar general account for about 1year now I have two accidents 1: tore up some grass left ruts pulling into a strip mall where a dollar general was located 2: while backing in another strip mall location for a front door delivery the back was very tight and basically had to jack the trailer to get the lift gate on the curb to unload while doing so asphalt beneath the trailer got tore up (it was a very old parking lot that had plenty of pot holes already Werner just hates me both of these accidents are bull**** in my biased opinion) but anyway I’ve been in a freightliner cascadia my entire time driving here I loved the truck……til it broke down on me two weeks ago and the dealership doesn’t know how to fix it my FM has sent me to a terminal to get a “new” truck my options are either a Kenworth T680 or an international (both 400k miles roughly) my question is does anyone have any experience using a Kenworth or Pete on a dollar account some of these stores are ridiculous to get in and out of and I’ve barely made it happen with the freightliner and I here the turning radius on the Kenworth is way worse I’m a decent driver (for someone with about a year of experience)just won driver of the quarter for the whole company at Werner a couple weeks ago haven’t hit anything yet besides the grass and asphalt like mentioned I’m just worried I’m going to get stuck in situations with a Kenworth if I take it and the worse turning radius but I know what everyone says about internationals and there reliability am I overthinking on how big a problem the Kenworth will be and will be fine or should I go with the international?
P.S.(Sorry for the lack of punctuation)
Posted: 1 month ago
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Should I get a Kenworth truck on dollar general account
Yeah I reported both (normally I wouldn’t report something as small as these especially my truck tire creating a pothole while backing I still can’t see how that is preventable or my fault) but the first one with the asphalt there was a church next door in the strip mall and the old man preacher was ****ed threatening to call the cops and everything else because he was tired of all the dollar general trucks messing up the parking lot so I just ended up reporting it to my company to get it fixed to try and not make too big of a deal out of it similar situation with the second store another ****ed old guy but I’m there with you I have no shame going over top curbs or whatever else I rather mess up some ground then actually hit something doing blind side 90s from the road on the dollar general account