So I was fully ready for my test. I wasn’t grinding gears or anything like that. But right before the test the instructor reminded me not to shift during turns. My plan was to basically just try my best to shift from first to 3rd and not worry about that rule because my instructor basically said not to worry and most people online can’t even give a good reason why this rule exists. My trucks risks stalling if I leave in 2nd gear. So I figured not to worry about it when ever I reset at a stop light but when ever the examiner reminded me of this rule before the test he basically said the one thing that could of made me fail. All of the sudden I felt like the best option was to take off in second in order to avoid shifting during my turn even though I didn’t get enough practice doing it. This caused me to stall at a stop sign which made me fail my test. I don’t have a lot of money and I don’t want to pay for more time. I’m not necessarily even going to have to do this again after this test. The class A license is just a union requirement for the lineman local. Anyways should I just ask the examiner what exactly they want me to do before the test? It just feels dumb if they honestly expect my to risk stalling the truck just so I don’t shift during my turn because in reality I don’t think a trucker would take that chance in real life most of the time. I would of had a better chance at passing had I just completely blew off what the examiner told me before the test. I’ve gotta say this seems like a pretty ridiculous rule to have also because I can think of a thousand reasons why some one would shift during a turn.
Posted: 2 months, 1 week ago
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I failed my restriction removal and I need opinions about the reason why I failed
So I was fully ready for my test. I wasn’t grinding gears or anything like that. But right before the test the instructor reminded me not to shift during turns. My plan was to basically just try my best to shift from first to 3rd and not worry about that rule because my instructor basically said not to worry and most people online can’t even give a good reason why this rule exists. My trucks risks stalling if I leave in 2nd gear. So I figured not to worry about it when ever I reset at a stop light but when ever the examiner reminded me of this rule before the test he basically said the one thing that could of made me fail. All of the sudden I felt like the best option was to take off in second in order to avoid shifting during my turn even though I didn’t get enough practice doing it. This caused me to stall at a stop sign which made me fail my test. I don’t have a lot of money and I don’t want to pay for more time. I’m not necessarily even going to have to do this again after this test. The class A license is just a union requirement for the lineman local. Anyways should I just ask the examiner what exactly they want me to do before the test? It just feels dumb if they honestly expect my to risk stalling the truck just so I don’t shift during my turn because in reality I don’t think a trucker would take that chance in real life most of the time. I would of had a better chance at passing had I just completely blew off what the examiner told me before the test. I’ve gotta say this seems like a pretty ridiculous rule to have also because I can think of a thousand reasons why some one would shift during a turn.