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5 months in, wondering if trucking is still for me or not.

Hi everyone, I am a 27 year old male from Pittsburgh. Three years ago I graduated from college with a BA in business/engineering/management, and after job searching and working, I now have 2 full years combined work history between two different jobs in that time. One job was in an office and did not require a degree at all, the second job was as a server. Overall thus far, that college degree has led me to limited success.

So about a year ago I decided to get my CDL, I game planned and I graduated in May 2024 with my CDL and bought it in cash, tried to find a local job for 3 months, expectedly couldn't get hired locally, and in August 2024, I bit the bullet and went OTR (technically called regional since i was home most weekends) for Western Express. Western sucked hard. I worked for them from August-early December working as hard as they would let me, and I made unfortunately only made about $6,300 net, $8,000 gross, total hauling flatbed loads in the north east region of the united states at .48 cents per mile (yes driving in downtown new york sucks. yes parking in brooklyn sucks). This was less money than I was making at my serving job.

I quit Western Express and decided to double down into trucking and go full OTR with Werner. I started with them late December 2024. I am delivering to Dollar Trees and Dollar Generals. It's a lot of manual labor with box unloading, a lot less driving than I expected based on the recruiter, but they claim one should make between $1,300-$1,500 a week average starting out (.79cpm and $300 per empty trailer. 800-1400 miles per week and 2-3 trailers unloaded per week). Werner has been way better than Western Express, so I at least somewhat trust that the pay expectations could be realistic. Due to training and truck issues, I have yet to work a full week at this company to even confirm if that's a realistic pay for me here or not. However, this industry and the job has been just leaving me uncertain.

For example, like I said, my truck broke down due to a faulty starter on January 16. It is January 28th and my truck is STILL in the shop. That's 12 days with no work. I'm never going to get anywhere if I can just randomly be out of work for 2 freaking weeks at a time. I have super low bills (on purpose) but even still I am "never" going to reach my savings goals.

I truthfully am not much of a trucker at heart, never had been, but I'm smart and I work hard. I wanted to get into the industry, save up $45,000 (to pay off my student loan debt) within 12-24 months, or as quick as possible, and get out of the industry. I figured I could make between $50,000-$80,000 a year gross, and live cheaply and pay off my debt that way. Put 75% of my net pay towards my debts. My monthly bills total $350 plus food, and then throw the rest at my student loans. I have no rent, no dependant family, no kids, no pets. Just a gym membership to shower at, cheaper car insurance for my paid off car when I go home, cheap phone plan, health insurance, laundry. I initially considered staying longer in this industry if i enjoyed the work, or if saving even more money, perhaps up to $100,000, over a few years seemed realistic. I am frugal as heck, so the saving is not the issue with me, it's always been the money making aspect for me.

I just wanted people's thoughts. Thanks. I'm sacrificing my entire life I used to know to chase this dream of getting debt free and eventually filling up my bank account. Trucking was, no pun intended, going to be my vehicle to get me there, live cheap, make a lot of money. I'm now doubting it heavily.

Someone tell me if I'm crazy and should just go back to enjoying life again with my other skills and hobbies still waiting for me.

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