Ousley, GA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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I served as a pastor in a non-denominational church for many years, and I am a practicing Orthodox Christian. I now drive a truck and love what I do. That's about it.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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C..R. England; Good or Bad?
So, after serving as a pastor of a church, I am giving that up because I've always wanted to drive a truck, and I am in tremendous debt from years of very low pay. C.R.England has given me the opportunity to go to school, and then upon meeting all their requirements the guarantee of a job. My understanding is that C.R. England is basically like a puppy-mill, that most who enter their program are disqualified for some stupid reason or simply cannot pass the tests, then I hear horror stories of those who did make it through, about how the are "forced into a lease" and that this company basically sets employees up to fail. Does any of this have an element of truth, or are they just disgruntled people, unhappy with their career choice? Despite all the negative things I've read I am still going through with this company, I go into it with the understanding that my pay for the first year or even longer will be low; possibly even lower than my standard of living now (which is pitiful.) I know that this may be the hardest things that I have ever done, but I know that I must remain positive and keep a good head on my shoulders.
Along with my trepidation over my choice in companies, I'm worried about the Pre-Trip inspection, are their any tips for remembering all that has to be done?