Magnolia, IL
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Skip the questions that you don't know, once you get a certain number right, the test will proceed to the next section. Get all the ones that you're positive about first, then deal with the ones you skipped.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Read my post in the training diary section about Swift. Lots of my classmates had no intention of staying, they were there to get their cdl's . Go to Swift, get your cdl, then find another company that takes student drivers and is willing to pay off your tuition as long as you work for them. US Express is one example, I start orientation on Monday. I got several job offers by filling out the app on this site. If you have more questions about Swift, I'll do my best to help you out.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Hello all, my name is Mike and I recently went through Swift's academy. I chose not to work for swift, so this review will be totally unbiased. They finance everything, no money out of pocket for the school on your end. There's no contract, they just want their money when it's all said and done. This will cost you 4,400.00 total. They recommend 150.00 to bring with you for meals and expenses. If you take 150 you will starve to death. I recommend at least 4-500, all meals are on you. Swift provides lunch the first day of orientation, then you are on your own. If you get your physical there, it's 40 bucks. I got mine ahead of time, only to be told it wasn't company approved and I would have to get theirs. I don't have anything negative to say about the program itself, all the instructors were great. It lasts 3 weeks, give or take. You do two weeks there, ( I was in millington, tn) then you go to your home state for your road week and cdl exam. If you live in Illinois you'll go to Gary, IN and test in South Holland, IL. There's a kroger, walmart, and several restaurants by the hotel in Millington. If you live in IL, IN, or MI and have to go to Gary, beware, there's nothing close and the hotel doesn't run a shuttle for shopping. There is a restaurant in the hotel, but it's kinda pricey. Anyway, I hope this helps y'all out some. If you have any more questions, i'll be glad to help.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Seeking wisdom on 2 companies for consideration
I got my cdls through one of the big companies on 02/25. I decided not to work for the company and take my chances elsewhere. I'm supposed to go to orientation for U.S. Express on Monday. Anyone who knows anything about them please help, any info would be helpful. Good luck on your exam, Daniel. Maybe we'll both work for U.S. in the future.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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DMV Skills test failure
No worries, i did the same thing. My biggest problem was nerves, sit at the dmv for hours all calm, then when they call your name it's like "Oh My God AAAHHRRGHH". But there's nothing like that feeling of elation when you pass and get that cdl in your hands! Hang in there.