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Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Need help with getting cdl

Hi,heres my history and advice to you: since 1996 im a professional car audio/video/security installer ,i have 2 years in usa,nj,as that field is good and baad because here everything goes by season,i decided to be a truck driver,i went MVC my self,i pay $125 for the right to all test and permit,i got the answers of all and every single test for the CDL,i about 1 week,i past all 6 test alone ,my self in MVC,then i just got to the cdl school to get the driving lesson on the road/street,also they took me to my road test on MVC,finally i got my CDL in the first shot, CLASS A, i never figuredout my self in a truck.

second part of my history; the school recomends me a lots of BIG COMPANIES FOR TRAINING,i never agreed to do that,what i did was went to the road with a friend of mine,and get some of his advices and experience,then after that i where so locky,his boss put me in one of his trucks,and here i am,driving everyday from newark,nj,to penssilvania,masachusets,atlantic city,coneticut,etc, so far im earning good money without been struggle by a companie paid training,cause i got a couple of friends graduated from the same school,they went to 2 of those big companies,they still under training while im making the money i expected to make,so good luck my friend,if i did it,you can do it to.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Best load freight finder

hi based on you years of experince wich are the best freight load finder on the web?

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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New trucker

Gotcha,thanks bro


hi to all of you,after recently graduate from jersey tractor trailer on june 18,i decide to not go into a train with a big company,i went to a company that thru a friend i got hired,cause i though that i could be struggle in those "big companies train' i had a friend that graduates from same school,and he went to werner xpress,he cried like a baby,they make him go all the 53 states, to get a miserable weekly wave,he lose half of his weight,and much more im not going to mention here,instead i have my own hard time learning with my trucking gps,a map,and calling my coworkers to tell me how to get to places and routs,since day 1 i went alone to what they called "/local" wich for me at the beggining was way to farway,but now i found it near,i found what seems to be imposible,get paid a fair weekly salary,sleep home everyday,work from monday thru friday,no pressure or rushing calls from my boss,and my average week is from $800-$1000,for me,new driver,thats more than i expected as a begginer.

Now,the only thing i want to know is: can i get a better income dealing directed with the broker? did it worth try to finde a good freight load,if i had the opurtunity,im planing to get a truck with a friend of mine,and finde the load thru a good freight load finder,do you know any reliable, all answer and advices are welcome,thanks in advance.


In complete honesty. If you cant answer the question on your own, dont buy a truck. Wait till you have the experience and background built up and when you can answer that question you'll know if the O/O lifestyle is for you.

Good luck to ya sir.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Wich gps to choose

hi me again,i have a 560 dezl garmin 5",wich is good so far,it didnt take to a low bridge yet,butheres an example,i parked at newark,nj,everydaymy trip is to coneticut,i now know i take I-95 north al the way until i get to Ct,of corse,depending to wich place or part of Ct i go,but my garmin afteri pass the GWB keeps telling me to take many exits on my way to CT,it seems to be many low bridges on his route/maps,wich they are not on the road at all,on my way back the problem is worst,taking I-95 south to newark,nj,the second problem is that instead of go straight to a place,it makes me to go all round to place i go,wich results in time and fuel,delays etc, my question to you is,should i buy a rand mcnally or a cobra trucking gps? i have two friends that have cobra,they said that they had them for about a year,and so far they are good,besides that i hear rand mcnally freeze,and other than that what do you think about copilot app for android,i been thinkin of that long time ago,but that trucking app is $150,waiting for your advice and sugestions,thanks.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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New trucker

hi to all of you,after recently graduate from jersey tractor trailer on june 18,i decide to not go into a train with a big company,i went to a company that thru a friend i got hired,cause i though that i could be struggle in those "big companies train' i had a friend that graduates from same school,and he went to werner xpress,he cried like a baby,they make him go all the 53 states, to get a miserable weekly wave,he lose half of his weight,and much more im not going to mention here,instead i have my own hard time learning with my trucking gps,a map,and calling my coworkers to tell me how to get to places and routs,since day 1 i went alone to what they called "/local" wich for me at the beggining was way to farway,but now i found it near,i found what seems to be imposible,get paid a fair weekly salary,sleep home everyday,work from monday thru friday,no pressure or rushing calls from my boss,and my average week is from $800-$1000,for me,new driver,thats more than i expected as a begginer.

Now,the only thing i want to know is: can i get a better income dealing directed with the broker? did it worth try to finde a good freight load,if i had the opurtunity,im planing to get a truck with a friend of mine,and finde the load thru a good freight load finder,do you know any reliable, all answer and advices are welcome,thanks in advance.

Posted:  10 years, 8 months ago

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What GPS unit should I used or its the most helpfull?

Hi I have a debate with myself about wich unit to buy,but not thinking about going to crazy,somebody if offering me the cobra 5550 pro,waiting for you advices,thanks.

Posted:  10 years, 8 months ago

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More Info About Working For UPS

Good evening everyone, can anybody tell me what's means or what are the duties in UPS for a DRY VAN OTR CDL A TRACTOR TRAILER TRUCKLOAD DRIVER? Cause I'm about to apply for ups,need little more info about that position,all answer are welcome,thanks.

You will need to have your doubles/triples endorsements and hazmat endorsement as well. They mostly do drop and hook between terminals.

Thank you so much! I already have all of the endorsements

Posted:  10 years, 8 months ago

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More Info About Working For UPS

Good evening everyone, can anybody tell me what's means or what are the duties in UPS for a DRY VAN OTR CDL A TRACTOR TRAILER TRUCKLOAD DRIVER? Cause I'm about to apply for ups,need little more info about that position,all answer are welcome,thanks.

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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High Road Training

Hi guys I want to add something I agree do not rush things,but,I personally before I enrolled to the trucking school,I decide to go MVC my self,and start taking all the test,,by the time I got into the school I already had my permit ready to begin the practice in the truck,after I enrolled in the school I just need to pass hazmat,so I was ahead of things ,I'm now in my 3 week of practicing in the truck,I just have to pay the fees for the finger prints $86 and I'm planing to get the TWIC card just to cover my self,again but that's me,so by the time I get my cdl,I have all emdorsment and my chances are wider to get into a good company.

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Wich companie to start

Now besides to wich companie to start,and of course wich I will qualify to get in,what's better or more convenient,go by "" mile"" or by porcent??? The other question whats the ral truth about the things the companies offer when they visit the school telling us the " benefits" of working on their companies? It worth to go team driver and be owner operator at same time,whats the truth of the otr and been a tem driver with a friend or brother,how it works the driving time ,the on duty and off duty for the "team driver"

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