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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Do you really enjoy doing intense physical labor?
We never recommend that job for rookies, because it's brutal on your body and fraught with really difficult backing scenarios. As an experienced driver you can probably handle the backing, but hand unloading roughly 80,000 pounds of merchandise (every week) in plastic bins stacked so high they sometimes fall on you, is a tough way to make a paycheck. The pay isn't commensurate with the work in my opinion.
They are selling it hard because they can't keep drivers doing it.
Yea i figured it was some crazy backing it being at family dollars. They are 48 foot trailers, i mean these furnature stores we go to are no picnic sometimes.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Been running team to cali reefer. I unload furniture in cali for 12.50 now lol. JB pays 125.00 have up to 3 unloads a week, Not really worried about the unloading. And over all it pays more than what im doing now at least 5 grand more a year. And im over riding with people and over the whole produce. I havent committed yet its a big change for me and the family. Not sure if grass is greener or not.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Hello, I just filled out a phone app for the JB Hunt Family Dollar account out of Roanoke Va. Does anyone have any thing good or bad to say about it? JB Hunt was selling the hell out of it, But yea id rather have the FULL story lol. Been driving 4 years with a spotless driving record. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Sorry i havent been on for a few days.. But thank you for your support! I really Appreciate it and gives me better confidence. I am there to make a new career i have 4 kids soo this isnt just something new for me to try this is my new livelihood. I worked extremely hard for the cdl now its time to do something with it! But again thank you All!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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A few questions before I take the plunge
Since i am fresh out of school i will have to say yes it is very intimidating! the courses here are a great start and will help you all the way through your schooling or program...also the school you go to will break it all down for you.. its alot to learn but it is very rewarding. 3 weeks ago i had no idea what a control arm mount was lol... today i can run off indianas whole pre trip, tug test, and 4 point in under 20 minutes! LoL... study and study more! its fun and most of all rewarding .. good luck to you!
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Yea man C1 is not a party tho...study study study. you have to be 100% committed to it. eat sleep breath rigs lol. it will feel like you cant put anymore into your brain but they keep stuffing lol.. but i have to say its a good school excellent teachers! just listen and be willing to learn and you will be right where i am.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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I Did it i passed C1 in Indianapolis! did it 3 days shy of 3 weeks.. now a week at home then headed to the ozarks for Pam Transportation. i do have a few concerns. While i did pass the course and state testing i know there is much much more to learn about driving, handling the truck. I mean the first week was class room and last 2 weeks was driving and range. I had a some trouble learning to downshift in which i am still no expert at it. i did enough to pass i passed with 15 of 30 points which for the class was not bad. I know Pam has some testing for us Dock Backing etc.. 2 weeks in a empty truck is not a lot. I just hope i will be good enuff for Pam or at least the mentor understands that i am far far from an expert.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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High Praise for the High Road Training Program
As i will be starting school on the 31'st the program is awesome! learning like i have never learned before! good job!!!!
Posted: 10 years, 12 months ago
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C1 Truck Driving Training In FtWayne, In .. going to work for PAM.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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JB Hunt Family Dollar Account
Yea man thanks! Guess ill never know unless i try, right? Lol