New Castle, PA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Working on getting cdl with prime inc
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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As I go through the training I can try to keep updates comeing I will try to do the after take if I make it through the training and cdl permit part as wel
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Finally made up my mind and going with prime inc As of right now I'm St.louis mo waiting on greyhound lol Been here since 1am since first bus I was to catch was Packed to the max
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Deciding on going into trucking comments and help please
With all the tools and information I have gained thus far in making a decision I believe I will be going with Swift Transportation since they have what im looking for and the training seems to be a little longer than Prime Inc. just need to get get permit and physical done. I will be using the apps and all other training guids that this site has provided to help me as much as possible. Is their other android or iphone apps that I can use with studying and or for the road as well?
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Deciding on going into trucking comments and help please
Thats cool I hope eveything goes well and wish lots of luck .
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Deciding on going into trucking comments and help please
Got it im to stay away from that as much as possible I took a practice test last night from the app your sight recomended and scored 90% Of all the questions correct with out looking at the cdl book dmv and the helpful spots under the questions in the app lol I thing thats damn good
Budy of mine has a bad back (herniated disk and bulging disk) and was woundering if he could drive the big rigs since he would following in his dads foot steps of going over the road whats your thoughts
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Deciding on going into trucking comments and help please
Really enjoying theloads of information I have considered going to a school for cdl training and I know it would better suit me but at this time I really cant afford going to school thats why im considering the free training buy a company I just have to figure what compay is best suited to me right now so far its between Swift and Prime but I will consider others the only thing that im sure of is with prime you can have the option to lease a truck but what does that fully intail am responsible for the upkeep such as fuel and maintenance (out of my pocket or is it company's cost) Im not sure if Swift gives the option for lease. I think I have maid my mind on becoming a trucker as a new career its beats sitting behind a comouter desk looking at enginering drawings for mechanical systems of buildings all day.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Deciding on going into trucking comments and help please
Is the info in the free or nearly free cdl training are up to date for 2013 or 2014 cause if so I like the swift and prime but cant decide on which one my wife cousin's is a trucker and suggested I go with swift since they are a big company and more then likly I would get more loads what is everyone else recommendations
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Deciding on going into trucking comments and help please
Thanks im reading the book that brett wrote as well im learning a lot from it I will certainly look that site over
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Deciding on going into trucking comments and help please
I have been thinging of going into trucking as a form of making money. I have been unemployed since November 2013 and been collecting unemployment im sick of being at home. Dont get me wrong its not the family life im sick of its the not working part im sick of I have put in hundreds of applications to many places and habe been only on a few interviews. I have come accross deals with Prime Inc and Swift Transportation where they will train me for my CDL. They have good points and bad. I wondering if their are others out their that can do the same and if not what would my best choice would be if the the only choice would be between Prime INC and Swift.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Just started
Other then waiting in lots of lines so far the experance is not bad Loads of paper work and standing in line is order of the day on first day