Collingdale, PA
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Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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Help answering some easy questions?
I'll help you out mharley12345@me.com
Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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I've been out here for a year now and I've had AT&T which I hated and now I have verizon which I have no problems with. Friends of mine have sprint because of the unlimited data but complain that the service suck once they get in the central states
Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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Can somebody please explain the rules for Personal conveyance. I know you can't be under dispatch but how far can you legally drive. And can you use it after you drove your entire shift?
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Now I don't know about idling with a special type of certified engine. You would probably have to speak with someone in California on that or start digging through their policies online. But I'll promise you one thing - don't take your company's word for it. Just because they say it's ok doesn't mean anything. If you get a $350 ticket they're probably going to shrug their shoulders and say, "Sorry, but it's your job to know the laws."
Ok did some recearch on Cali state websites. What I've come up with us state law allows "clean air idle" certified engines if you have the sticker and paperwork that goes with it to idle under 2 conditions. 1 you have to be at least 100 feet from a residential area and 2 someone has to be resting in the sleeper berth. The other thing is cities and towns make up their own rules also stating no idle whatsoever. Unable to find a list of those cities and towns. I do know Lodi ca and Ontario Ca @ the Ta are 2 of these places.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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3 Weeks Into Training WIth Prime Inc
Good to hear. Keep it safe and good luck. You will be a master of shifting in no time.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Just got my 100k mile Saftey bonus wow that was a nice check.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Dont sleep in a rest area ,cali and ny both will fine ya for idling they both along with others have no idling laws in effect some say if ur in a truck stop its private property and the smokies cnt do anything to ya unless called in y the truck stop.how much that part is true i dnt know.
Yeah I know Nj is like this too but I thought as long as you had that clean air sticker on your truck you were ok. Thats what my company is telling me. My reefer blows more smoke then my truck may not be as polluted but it deff dumps some serious smoke at times.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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My E-logs have a skip button for this situation. You can in reality run 1000 miles off duty or in sleeper berth if you wanted. I only know of 2 weigh stations that actually inspect the e-logs activity page most of them either don't bother or just want to see your 1 day and how many hours you have available to drive.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Can someone please explain how the California idle laws work? I have a 2011 clean air certified Cummings engine in my truck. No apu because my company believes the truck can be idled in Ca as long as someone is in the sleeper berth. I just found out that Cities like Lodi Ca have there own rules of no idle no matter what. Is this true? I'm in Cali 2 times a week and spend the night often waiting on produce out and the whole time I thought I could idle anywhere.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Personal conveyance
We have peoplenet also but ours are set up to allow 150 miles a day off duty PC. Company says along as we are empty or bobtailing we can use it. But is it legal for me to drive 11 hours get empty and then drive 150 miles say to go home once empty. I think DOT would have a big problem with that.