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Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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I appreciate hearing from you guyjax! Thanks for the congrats. I understand the schedule and appreciate you pointing it out. I hope to want to post here and have good conversation with you guys in the future. I can't wait to share my experiences after I start. All of you seem like good people here.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Thanks Bill and I wish you the best of luck as well! I believe we are a special breed. If we want to succeed we will succeed! I highly recommend the High Road Training to anyone about to take their exams. I lucked out and found an employer without the schools. I hope that anyone in the same situation as me finds this site! I've never posted on this site nor have I spoken with anyone until now LOL. I'm hoping to make some new friends that enjoy what I enjoy. Being on the road.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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I registered a few weeks ago and studied the training program. I appreciate that it wont let you guess at answers! I passed my skills test, my pretrip, and road skills today! I was going to team drive with my best friend but the company offered me my own truck and .35 per mile today! The funny thing is my buddy loaned me the money to rent the truck for the test with the condition that if I didn't pass on my first attempt, he could slap me 10 times across eternity. (How I Met Your Mother). Good news is I passed so no slaps. I recently moved to MN from SC. I studied as if I were taking the tests in SC. Everyone at the DMV was on their 2nd or 3rd attempt. I passed first try! Honestly I think MN is too easy on you. I rented an automatic truck with a flatbed 20' trailer. I don't know why the other guys failed. They even cut the pretrip down to JUST the front of truck and combination. I just wanted to say thank you to those that put in the effort for this website. My hat's off to you sir.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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LOL well I was a lurker and posted but got ignored haha. It's cool. Just wanted to say thanks again for your training program. I passed my driving test today. MN is too easy.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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I registered a few weeks ago and must say that the High Road CDL Training Program is awesome! I love that it will not let you "guess" at answers. I used it to pass my written tests and now I have my skills test tomorrow morning. Thank you for the effort that you guys put in to this site. I am renting an automatic truck with a 28 ft flatbed for my test tomorrow and yet I am still nervous. Wish me luck and and again I thank you for the knowledge this site has provided!
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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Thank You!
Wow I haven't been back here since i posted this but today 1 year and 7 months later my partners and I own 2 trucks and am making it in the industry. I can still honestly say I learned so much from this site and thank you to the man that runs it.