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Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Roehl driver training from start to end.....
Well, if you have been reading, you will know I was told to pick up on Friday night and deliver on Monday at 1400. I had a total of about 500 miles to cover. My first try at making something happen was by calling the pickup so I could get in earlier to load. That was not happening. Then, I called the delivery to see if I could unload early. I could not get anybody on the phone. I called my FM and they said the best they were able to do was get me in at 0600 in Chicago. TRAFFIC! So, I made a few other calls and found out that the delivery place would at least allow me to sleep on their lot. I rolled out this morning around 0700. I was in no rush. Set the cruise on 60 and rolled. In Gary, IN around 1130 and fueled up. I put some chilli in the lunchbox cook. Took a shower. Then headed out. I got to the place I was to deliver at around 1330. I told the guard I had an appointment for delivery at 0600. He said it was no problem for me to sleep there. He said to go sign in with receiving just so they knew I was there for in the morning. I signed in and then did some equipment sorting on my truck. It was a round three and I was hungry. Turned on the TV and opened the lunchbox cooker. Nice steaming hot chilli ready to go. Chilled out eating and watching TV. SHoes kicked off and a knocking comes at my truck door. The security guard says Earl wants to see me. I get out and go into to the building she told me to go to. They looked like they had no clue why I was there. I came back out and Earl appears on a forklift. He says, "Well, do you want to unload or not?" I said I sure did. He said get everything off the load so he could pick it off. He said he would meet me at the dock in 10 or 15 minutes. Wait! What? I had a lumber tarp over two coils. 15 minutes? I went to work. I undid my bungees. I yanked the tarp off. I left the tarp laying in the parking lot and told the guard I would be back to get it. 15 or 20 minutes total, I had the chains off and good ol Earl was unloading me. Making it happen! About 30 minutes later, I had everything put away and was on the road back to the terminal as instructed.
Then Chicago struck. I got lost because of a truck detour. As I was following the detour signs, the last one reads truck detour end. OK, well where do I go now?? I ended up on a side street looking at an unmarked bridge wondering if I could get under it. The GPS was telling me to turn right onto a road with a clearly marked sign.... NO TRUCKS over 5 tons. Great! So I stopped and called in to my FM. He looked at the map and we both knew I had no way to turn around. luckily, it was Sunday and the street I was on was not at all busy. I drove up to the bridge and got out and looked to see if I could make it under. My truck is a mid roof so it is only about 12 foot 6 inches high. My flatbed trailer was empty. BONUS! I was able to get under the bridge and back to the interstate. I made it back to the terminal safe and sound. Crashing for the night. Hopefully, I get a good run in the morning.
Great for you getting unloaded early! Always a bonus! Well I made it to the school/hotel. Class starts bright and early tomorrow. Have a great night and hope to meet ya soon!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Roehl driver training from start to end.....
Thanks PJ. I have been slammed busy too.
Tracee, I am excited for you. You are going to do fine in school. Give me a shout sometime!
No chin, thanks. I am glad so many are finding my mutterings to be useful.
Yesterday, I wanted to manage my clock better than I had the week before. Coming off the reset with a full 70 hours. I had done my trip plan and was ready to roll after getting my pre trip done. I arrived at my pick up around 1100. I am really glad I bought the cheap CB the other day. They gave you instructions over the CB. I got weighed and backed in to dock 14 under a covered area. They got me loaded and I got to put lumber tarps on. I asked a couple of experienced drivers to critique my work after each step. I asked the first one to check my strap placement. He said I had done well. While I was cranking down the straps, the ratchet clicked in to a spot so I was pulling the bar out to crank down a litte more. POP! The bar flys up and pops me on the underside of my chin. It hit me on the right side of my chin and my left jaw popped. It hit me so hard, I sat down on the ground because I was going to got out I thought. I sat there for about 10 minutes. It hurt. I thought I had broken my jaw. I recovered. I think my jaw got dislocated and then popped right back in. It has been really sore but I am OK.. It could have been much worse. Anyway, I got the tarps on and asked another driver to take a look. He gave me some pointers and showed me a few spots of were to put an extra bungee or two. People are so willing to help you if you just ask. I hit the scales on the way out and headed out. My goal was to stop when I had completed about 9 and half hours of on duty and drive time. I realized I wasn't going to make it to I - 90 like I had hoped with out running the clock more. So, I called my friend Mike. We were in class together and we talk almost daily now. I knew he was shut down for the night. I asked him if he could find me a TA to stop at near where I was. That was the only place I had a shower credit and I really wanted a shower after being stuck in nowhereville for two days. Luck was not with me, there was nothing on I - 85 for me to stop at. I ended up at a TA on I-90 in Erie, PA. 10 and a half hours of my 70 clock got burnt.
This morning, I got up around 0500 and started driving after my pre trip. I got to the drop at around 1200. I was early but they dd not have a problem with it. The lady directed me to a different gate and then I had to back into a building. Ol boy! They wanted me to enter the door at an angle and maneuver around stacks of wood. There really was plenty of room but I could not see my trailer once it went inside. The pouring rain outside did not help either. Anyway, I got it in with about 10 get out and lookies. The lady asked how long t would take me to untarp. I told her I was new. She said it was no rush. I told her an hour but I was not sure. By the time she came back, I was putting away my last few bungees. She took the forklift and helped me put my tarps back in the box. Then she got me unloaded pretty quick. I was surprised how much faster was untarping and tarping. You really do learn more by doing it alone. You have to figure it out and get a system that works for you. After I was done, I had a pre trip plan for a relay out of the terminal in Gary. I was really hoping that was what was going to happen. I needed to get laundry done. So, it all worked out. I got to Gary and dropped my trailer and picked up the relay trailer. I got all my equipment traded out. Got laundry done. Took a shower. Now, sleepy time. I have to be in TN tomorrow at 1930. It says I can not arrive early. I am hoping that a call in the morning will allow me to get there earlier. If not, I get to chill out for a bit. I may just leave early in the morning and get close to them and then just take a long break or nap. Not sure, going to wait and see what time I wake up...
WT, I have also taken a breaker bar to the chin and ended up in my backside about 8 foot from the trailer... not fun and I hope you are recovering quickly. Sounds like everyday you are inproving buddy, keep up the good work and get some rest. Last day at work for me today... YAHOO! Can't wait to get out of here. Will be in Marshfield Sunday afternoon fired up and ready for Monday morning! Safe travels! T
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Roehl driver training from start to end.....
Thanks Tracee. Please do stay in touch. I would love to hear how it goes for you. Once you hit the road, maybe we will cross paths. Good luck.
Yesterday, I did not post. Not because I didn't have time. I only had 5 hours on my clock when I started. I hauled butt to my first drop. As soon as I got into the parking lot, sleeper. It took me like 5 minutes to pull 4 straps so it really was not a cheat on the clock. They got me unloaded and I had 2 hours and 12 minutes on my clock. I had already called the final drop and they said they had space for me to shut down across the street. Sweet! It should only take an hour to get there so I was hoping to get unloaded with an hour to spare. There was a Walmart 13 miles away and a TA 3 miles away. I knew I would be sitting for the rest of the day and tomorrow before being able to drive. On the way, I come up to the I-390 N on ramp.... CLOSED due to construction. Detour! Aw crap. So, the detour took me an extra 15 minutes on so. When I got to the drop, I had 22 minutes, I yanked my chains and got the paperwork signed in lightning quick time and went to sleeper while they got me unloaded. I had 18 minutes left to drive. Too close to try for Wally world or the TA. So, I asked for a place to shut down. They told me the gas station two blocks away has truck parking. When I pulled in, I had 12 minutes on my clock. I did my post trip and logged off at 0:02 on the clock. I could have stayed on duty longer but I really didn't need to. My truck was empty. I was really hoping that the gas station had some place to get cleaned up. It is a tiny little place with one toilet for men and women. The town is 2 to 3 miles away. There is nothing here. With nothing else to do, I walked into town. It really is a neat little town with really old buildings with a town square. I had two days off so a cold beer in a pub was in order. Then I just walked around a bit and explored. Even though it was a 3 mile walk into town, it was a beautiful day. A bunch of old farms and barns along the way. It was quite peaceful. This morning, I got up when I awoke. It was around 0700, I guess. It was a great time to sort out all the equipment in the truck. I pulled everything out and put it all back nice and neat. When I was putting the last few things away, the drizzle of the coming rain started. It has rained the rest of the day hard. No walk into town today. I used the time to clean the inside of my truck really well. Armor all and simple green smells fill the truck now. You could almost eat off the floor. Then I realized it was only 1300. Baaaaa! The day is creeping by. No where to go. Sit in the truck and watch the rain. Then I got a message with a pre plan. Sweet! Now I had some trip planning to do. As I followed the route that was given, I realized they had routed me down a road that was not a truck route. I put in message to my FM about the problem. About an hour later, she calls and says that they were all impressed that I had caught the mistake and they sent me a new route plan. I called the shipper to see if I could get in a littler earlier in the morning. Turns out they had an 0830 appointment open. Mine was at 1130. I started crunching numbers. I could start driving at 0500 central time. That was 0600 for the shipper. I have to drive 128 miles s that will take 2 hours. Sweet I can make it! NOT! I have to stop for fuel on the way. It was going to be really close and the lady said they had a lot of appointments in the morning. I asked if I could be just a little past the 0830 and she said no. Ol well, it was worth the shot. So, I still have the 1130 appointment. I am debating if I should arrive early or not. I may just wait and arrive on time to save my clock. Otherwise, I may just be sitting in the sleeper waiting and burning my 14 hour clock. Time management is an art I am still trying to learn in this business.
WT, Sounds like you are doing great!! And exploring a little town can be fun! A cold beer always hits the spot ... whittling my last 2 days here at this job down to a nub... everyday I have to make myself come into work! LOL Monday I start class with no looking back except my side mirrors! Good luck have a great week and hope to see you soon!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Roehl driver training from start to end.....
Today was a pretty easy day. I got up and hit the road. After 4 hours of driving, I made it to our terminal in Gary, IN. I fueled up and re-did some of my load securement. After my 30 minutes for a break was up, I was back on the road. I drove almost 600 miles. That is not bad considering I am governed at 63 MPH. A few construction zones slowed me down some too. Other than that, a really easy day. Not once did I get lost or take a wrong turn. When I pulled into the TA, I had 26 minutes left on my 11 hour drive clock. Tomorrow is going to be a much different story. I am sure it will be a very short day because I have only 5 hours on my 70 clock. This is day 6 out and I am out of hours on day 7. So, I have to hit the road and make it to my first drop 150 miles away. That will take about 3 hours to get there. Only 2 hours will be left to drive to my final drop and then haul butt to the nearest truck stop. I really hope I have the time to get somewhere after my last drop. I will have to sit for almost two days to get time back on my clock. Sadly, it is not possible to take a reset either because of the 168 hour rule. Managing the clock is an art that my mind has not mastered yet. The other problem is my FM wants me to log everything in real time. If it takes four hours to secure a load, then she wants me to log it on duty. She is doing her job so it is not her fault. I will get this clock thing figured out soon enough.
WT, I reckon that learning the drive clock will get easier the more ya do it... Hoping I will catch on pretty quick...again I said hoping. But right now I am just anxious to get started... 4 more days at this job and I will be on my way! Keep on looking up and keep in touch! Be safe!!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Embarrassing Question.. LOL... I pee a LOT
I am over in the south eastern corner, right on the Columbia River, across the river from Hermiston, OR....nice quiet little spot....
Sounds beautiful... but then again Washington is beautiful!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Roehl driver training from start to end.....
Tracee.... how is school going?
I start May 5th. SO excited... can't wait to start. But I will let you know buddy!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Roehl driver training from start to end.....
Guys and gals, I am back at it. Last night I got back to my truck and got everything settled in. It is amazing how much stuff I need to buy. It is like stocking a mini apartment. A message popped up on the truck PC giving me my load assignment. Sweet. Ready to roll in the morning. I decided to call the shipper to see if I could arrive early than the 1130 appointment. They said I could. So, I headed out early. I had to drive 115 miles empty to get there. Once I was there, I checked in and they said to wait in the truck until someone came and got me. So, while I waited, I tired out the new TV with the truck antenna. It worked great. After watching Family Feud, they were ready to load me. Everything is going great. Hopefully, I will hit the road soon. They got me loaded quickly. It only took me 2 and half hours to strap and tarp it alone. ROFL! A couple of drivers gave me some help and some tips. It was much appreciated. I trashed my favorite shirt. I knew I should have changed before going to work. Then I headed out. This is where things get worse. I have to make a tight right turn back onto the scales as I leave. My spread axle did not seem to like the turn. The right side tire on on the front axle was close to the concrete edging of the scale. I backed up a bit and readjusted. It was still close but I thought it would be ok to let it rub a little. Guess what? It was not OK. As I watch my tire drag the curbing, poooooof! I see dust fly and I knew my tire just went flat. I got onto the scale and got weighed and then I pulled out of the way of other drivers and called my FM. Yeap, I am a bonehead. She was not nearly as upset about it as I was. She transferred me to maintenance. They found a place to get it fixed and told me to drive slow for the 16 miles to the place. I got there fine and they had a new tire on in no time. I learned how to write my first EFS check. I thanked them and then hit the road. I pulled into my fuel stop with just 19 minutes on my 14 hour clock. I only got 4 hours of actual drive time in. Yeah, it has been a long day. Amazingly, I am still pretty relaxed. Things happen. I learned a good lesson that I will not forget. Tomorrow, I got to knock down some serious miles. Hopefully, I can still make this delivery on time.
WT, We all gotta learn sometime... good to know for us up and at 'ems! We will be learning behind you, but I hope your week goes smoother and the miles fly by!!! Be safe buddy and stay in touch!!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Embarrassing Question.. LOL... I pee a LOT
Tracee...good to have you here on TT !!! We are a great bunch...and you can post on any forum on this site !!! Us lady drivers kinda need to iron out some issues that we have that the guys don't ..so Brett was kind enough to give us our own spot !!! We know the guys lurk...but its no different than grade school, and the holes in the walls of the girl's locker room... You need to get yourself into High Road Training Program, if you haven't already....I think you will breeze thru it...but it will help you alot... You are welcome to hollar anywhere you feel the need...and we are very glad to have you, your experience, and your imput !!!!
Rhoel sounds like a standup company for women drivers !!! And I share your opinion of CRE....my brother had one of their unfortunate experiences...
Hey Starcar, where exactly is Plymouth WA? I grew up in Olympia and am not famiilar with it. IN fact most all of my family is in the Olympia, Tacoma and Lakewood and Tumwater areas... BIG FAMILY!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Embarrassing Question.. LOL... I pee a LOT
Its not the edit tags thingy.....I guess ya just gotta come back in here and read all the ones that are dark blue.....thats what I do...and I"m the moderator !!!!
I am studying with the cdl testing on here and it really does help! I will continue to check on here as I can. Have a great day everyone!!!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Roehl driver training from start to end.....
WT, Guess who is in our truck learning how to train us newbies? Your OTR trainer Bill! I didn't know it until I was telling him about the load you told us about where y'all got stuck trying to unload a tractor I think? He started laughing and said that he was your trainer and was a fun day that was! He is a very nice guy as well as Brian, and I think Jim and I lucked out getting them for our trainers! Second day, shifting is getting better, but I have a long way to go with watching my RPMs down shifting... tomorrow is our BIG DAY ON THE ROAD... a wee bit nervous, but if they think I am ready...I will trust their judgement. It really is a lot to take in each day but I am enjoying the experience just the same. Talk to you soon!