Profile For Tony S.

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    Raleigh, NC

  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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    10 years, 11 months ago

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Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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Walmart's New Truck looks AMAZING!


This is the most hideous truck ive ever seenshocked.png


That's the coolest truck I've ever seen! smile.gif


Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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Running on Empty


I know there would be very little down time but I was curious what you all do to relax and have a little fun while not driving.

Didn't mean anything else by it.


Tony, I knew exactly what you meant, it was just comical to me at the moment because I was so busy. I would have been more than happy to get a little down-time this weekend, but in this business it's kind of like that old saying about "making hay while the sun shines". When they've got all kinds of loads they can give you the freight prices tend to start increasing and it gives your company an opportunity to maybe start making a profit during that time of the year. That is definitely the time you want to shine as a dependable responsible driver that is willing to "get er done". With the current regulations in place any flat-bed driver that's doing over 3,000 miles a week is more than likely doing some of his work (loading/securing) while his clock is on the sleeper berth line. If you do too much of this you may not be getting the proper rest. A responsible driver knows his limits, and acts accordingly. The load I got for this weekend is a 700 mile trip with the load already on a pre-loaded trailer that I pick up this morning. So that gives me a chance to take it a little easier this weekend and catch up on my rest.

Tony, as to your question about entertainment, I enjoy reading and perusing Trucking Truth's forum, and I keep a few DVDs in my truck that I can watch on my lap-top. My daughter gave me a set of CDs of C. S. Lewis's "Chronicles of Narnia" books that I some times enjoy listening to while driving. I also like to get out and take lengthy walks if I'm in an area that is interesting to me. I've been known to just walk laps around the truck stop for some exercise, I just feel better after driving all day if I can get out and get my heart-rate up a little with some mild exercise.

Thanks for the response!

Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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Running on Empty

I know there would be very little down time but I was curious what you all do to relax and have a little fun while not driving.

Didn't mean anything else by it.

Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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What is your in truck entertainment for down times?


Just remember you can have your PS3 with you but the internet that will be required to play and download updates will kill you in the cost department. Now if you can play it without Internet connection then you will be good. I don't know anything about console game sets as I am an avid PC gamer.


figured as much. What kind of games do you play guy?

I am an addict of MLB The Show.

Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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What is your in truck entertainment for down times?

Down time? What is this of which you speak?

I have audio books and a speech to text program I use to write stories with. Also have satellite radio.

LOL...I just meant when you have to wait at shippers and receivers and when you are done driving for the day.

Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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What is your in truck entertainment for down times?

I remember when I was with my trainer he had a ps2 and tv set. Too bad we never got to play them though. Never could get a power converter big enough to handle them all. A laptop will work just fine though, I am using one right now even with the truck powered off.

I need my PS3! LOL Nah, i'll make due.

Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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At a crossroads and in need of direction!!

I was also in the same boat. I found this website in 12/13 and read my butt off. I applied to Central, Swift, Prime Inc, and Knight Transportation. I got my CDL PERMIT in my state of Louisiana talked about all the companies with my wife and children and we choose Knight Transportation. My advice is just read as much as you can and stay away from the other website. This is my first week at Knight Transportation got my driver code yesterday and I'm still excited! Good luck to you.good-luck.gif


Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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Starting A Career In Trucking With DUI - My Story

Awesome to see how you have matured and changed your life! I am rooting for you Bill!

Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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What is your in truck entertainment for down times?

Since I am contemplating a career in trucking, I was wondering what you guys and gals have in your truck as entertainment? If/when I start OTR I'd like to have my laptop, tablet, TV and PS3 with me as I travel. Also some good books.

So tell, what do you guys have?

Posted:  10 years, 11 months ago

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At a crossroads and in need of direction!!

Great stuff Rob! So happy for you! I am someone who is leaning towards a career in trucking and leaving the world of IT. I will be following you journey and use it as inspiration!

God bless and good luck!

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