drakes branch, VA
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Experienced Driver
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Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Does anyone use crickets cell service there 4g coverage area is almost the whole country can anyone give me info on this carrier on how good or bad it works
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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thinking of taking my bicycle on the road with me for exercise and maybe even transportation on my off duty time. not sure where to secure it though to big for in the cab and not sure how and if allowed to transport behind cab anyone out there have any suggestions
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Enrico, I agree with Old School 100%. Please re-read this because it's dead on:
These large carriers have got some really good number crunchers putting the data together that helps them see how to make money. Finding the right ego driven persons to lease their trucks from them is high on their list of ways to turn a profit. They really don't care if you make it or not in the business. They will make their money even if you are losing your shirt. When you throw in the towel they will find another sucker to put down their money on a lease
New drivers can't begin to imagine the lengths these large companies go to in order to turn a profit. They'll do anything that puts them in the green. They've had this leasing thing figured out for many years. Owning trucks and hauling freight is the least profitable opportunity in the trucking industry. The real money lies in financing things for others, writing logistics software, providing logistics services, freight brokering, parts & repair, reselling bulk services at a discount (insurance, fuel, tires, parts, etc), consulting, and many others. But owning trucks is a money pit like Old School said and the profit to be made, if any, is extremely thin. So these companies keep the best producing parts of the business for themselves and outsource the least profitable parts of the business to others. That's exactly what they're doing by leasing you a truck. They're going to be reselling you insurance, financing your lease, brokering your freight, fixing your truck, and providing you with bulk discounts on fuel and tires. All of that is profitable with very little risk. You're taking all the risk by taking on the least profitable portion of the process and paying for the truck, fuel, tires, and repairs. They get their cut off the top with very little risk, you get what's leftover in the end, if anything.
Listen, anytime a business encourages you to become a business owner in their own industry it should throw a huge red flag. I mean huge! Because businesses exist to make money. Why would they want you to own your own business making money in their industry??? If the profits were there they would be looking to drive you away from those profits, not toward them. They would run that portion of the business themselves, keep the profits for themselves, and you would be considered their competition, not their partner. Telling you to own your own business and partner with them is a clear indication that they have no interest in doing what they're asking you to do. If a company that has been in trucking for 50 years or more doesn't want to own trucks and haul freight it should be pretty clear that you probably wouldn't want to either.
thanks brett its amazing how they make it sound so great if it was they would have all company drivers
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Enrico, these lease jobs are really disappointing for most people who try them. There is a reason that the trucking companies try to get people to lease their trucks from them. I'm going to go ahead and give you some inside information. Owning a big rig is more of an ego boost than a financial boost - I mean it just seems cool to have your own truck. You can always spot the guys who are lease operators or owner operators at the shippers and receivers, they are the guys that are out there polishing the chrome or the wheels on their trucks while the company drivers are sitting inside their cabs enduring the wait. For some reason these lease drivers spend most of their mental energy dreaming about how they are going to do this or that to make their truck look better, their job becomes all about their image. This is why they are so prone to be dishonest not only with others, but also themselves, about their income. They just can't bear to admit to themselves that they made a huge blunder and fell for the bait that was set in the trap.
Enrico, I was in a manufacturing business for thirty years. During that time I owned six big rigs at one time, I learned the hard way that trucks are huge money pits, even the minor repairs are costly, and God forbid you should get into a major problem. I had a Detroit Diesel engine that had to be replaced to the tune of about thirty grand. If you've got that kind of nerve and financial reserves you might could handle it, but why? The only way a truck driver makes any money is to keep those wheels turning. And when those wheels are turning the way you need them to be, you are going to be putting some real wear and tear on the equipment. Used trucks depreciate very quickly, and once you've driven a truck for four or five years the value of it has already gone down to almost nothing.
If you want to make some money by owning a truck, then you want to buy some trucks and find people to lease them from you. Oh wait a minute, that's what the trucking companies are doing! Yeah, I hope you are starting to get the picture. These large carriers have got some really good number crunchers putting the data together that helps them see how to make money. Finding the right ego driven persons to lease their trucks from them is high on their list of ways to turn a profit. They really don't care if you make it or not in the business. They will make their money even if you are losing your shirt. When you throw in the towel they will find another sucker to put down their money on a lease.
Enrico, I want you to succeed at this new career. The easiest way to get off to the right start is to be a company driver for several years, and maybe by then you will have learned enough about this career to know that what I'm telling you is good solid advice.
thanks for the advice old school i already made up my mind and went company a couple weeks ago and getting ready to run solo on monday but they keep asking me why arent you leasing they not pressuring but now i can give them an answer
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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i was offered a lease job at 84 cpm plus fuel surcharge I know this is on the low end of the pay scale what is the average cpm and what is a good rate
Central/swift starts u at 1.07 as a lease op
is that with the fuel surcharge
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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i was offered a lease job at 84 cpm plus fuel surcharge I know this is on the low end of the pay scale what is the average cpm and what is a good rate
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Anyone here any info on this company good or bad to work for
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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I was just reading about cameras in trucks that may be hidden are companies doing this if so shouldnt they tell you that there is one in the. Truck I guess it would not be hidden then.. I don't think that I would want to work for a company that goes behind your back and does this. There should be some kind of device now a day's that can sweep the truck for such devices audio / video. What do y'all think
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Thanks guys after two days of high road and practice questions i am blowing right through the questions getting every one correct like it is burnt into my memory. going to dmv tomorrow for permit. getting my permit on my own i am saving $500 off my tuition for private school so the first week while everyone else is going over there test for there permit i will start the following week. thanks brett for the web site and saving me some money cause i really didnt have the extra $500 the school wants to teach you for your permit. i would of had to put school on hold for a few weeks in order to save up that extra five THANKS AGAIN EVERONE
Enrico, we have the High Road Training Program and the High Road Practice Questions. The training program is a complete test preparation program which has the CDL manual built right in and questions at the end of each page. It also keeps track of your score and progress as you work through the program and feeds you review questions from previous pages as you go along.
Once you've completed the program you can practice if you like using the High Road Practice Questions. They're the exact same question from the training program but that's all it is - the questions. The CDL manual isn't built in, it doesn't track your score from quiz to quiz, and it doesn't give you any review questions.
So if you're learning the materials for the first time, go through the High Road Training Program. Then if you want extra practice, use the High Road Practice Questions.
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Cpm for a rookie solo driver
what companies are paying the most for a 6 month exp otr cpm? any input on good companies to go with?