Oakland Park, FL
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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My entire life has been spent perfecting my skills as a Mechanical Engineering Designer. I've designed and developed everything from simplistic inspection gauges used on production lines and in Quality Control departments to complex, automated production line machinery used in the manufacture of implantable medical devices (think stents and angioplasty). Most recently, I was heavily involved with the design and manufacture of new, light-weight, ballistic protection panels used in rotary wing aircraft deployed in various "sandy" locations around the world. It was a 9-5 office job which meant I was actually working 6am to 8pm in the office and 2 more hours at home. Sleep and work were pretty much all I did, all with very few rewards, excluding the pay, which was FANTASTIC. But, life is MUCH MORE than money. I was never fulfilled with my accomplishments. It just wasn't worth it.
Once I completed my active duty stint with the Marine Corps (MOS Auto/Diesel Mechanic) back in 1976, I landed a job working in the public works department for a small (at the time) burb in the NW suburbs of Chicago. I was with the streets department in various capacities. Thinking back to it now, this was the most enjoyable job I've ever had. The majority of my time was handling all of the heavy equipment, dump trucks, rollers, front-end loaders, and backhoes. Wintertime was filled with endless hours plowing snow from the streets and flinging all of that rust-inducing salt. We were all worked hard. While most people were snuggled in their wee little beds dreaming of sugar plums and such, we were out there getting the roads ready for them to get to their respective jobs. It was cold, hard, thankless, and lonely… AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!
So now being on this far side of the hill, I'm looking to recapture some of that youthful romance of the road by trying my hand at OTR driving. With no more family to worry about, no home time requirements, and very few bills to be concerned with, I'm looking to ride out my life, pushing the borders of this great Nation working toward that next sunset.
Well here it is, 3½ years later, and I've been to all 48 of the contiguous United States (it only took 1½ years to accomplish that), coast-to-coast, border-to-border. From Sequim, WA to Miami, FL, Otay Mesa, CA to Bangor, ME. Kind of like that Willie Nelson song, "I've Been Everywhere, Man".
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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I haven't done anything like it on a phone of any kind, so I won't be able to help. Sorry!
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Daniel, BTW, COOL photo of the truck . . . who are those handsome dudes flanking you, anyway??
Prime's Motliest Crew
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Pedestrian Killed by Tractor Trailer
I personally feel that it's time to start regulating passenger vehicles and their drivers more along the lines of CDL holders are regulated (e.g. driver physicals, pre-trip inspections and safety regulations). Why aren't "average" drivers required to put out reflective triangles when they're broken-down on the side of the road (it would have saved the guy in this case)? Would a pre-trip inspection have prevented this vehicle from being broken down in the first place?
Just venting!
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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I am completely tech unsavvy. I have a galaxy sIII. How do I upload photos? What is a photo address? Any shortcuts? Thanks Bart
Directly above this area, as you're entering a new post or reply, there are eight blue buttons…
Click on the "Photo" button and enter the appropriate web address of the image that you want to insert. The image MUST BE uploaded to an image sharing website (I use Photobucket). Many are free to use for a limited amount of storage space.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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I'm so glad that you've posted! The only company that has responded to me (as a new CDL trainee) is CRST. I suppose it is because that my current mailing address is Plantation, FL (near Ft. Lauderdale). My biggest concern with them is that they are almost exclusively team-trucks and I was really wanting to go solo. What can you tell me about CRST that could get my fat a$$ in gear and sign with them?
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Solution for on the road sickness
We have also found certain places give us upset stomachs everytime we eat there.
Umm, don't eat there?
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Had a question and wonder if anywon knows if its true?
Ahh, you didn't mention that the misdemeanor was drug related in the other thread. Yeah, that might change things up a bit. Drugs are definitely the Devils doing! Why don't the kids ever listen to their parents? We tried to warn 'em.
Sorry, that "rant" wasn't directed at you, just a generalization. So many people come here looking for advice on the things they've done wrong in their past. I can't help but wonder if I'm the last person on this planet that has never been arrested for anything, and had never had anything traffic violations, ever! Boy, I must've been a real boring, goody two-shoes throughout my life; although it certainly doesn't feel that way!?
Anyway, it really depends on how long ago the incident took place and the companies policy/acceptance of our past mistakes. Some are a bit more lenient than others. Stay tuned, some more knowledgable members should be chiming in shortly.
Hope that helps.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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The best way to find and get , basics Technology
$300 to $800 dollars for the type of CBs I use and love.
Alright, NOW you've done it! I just GOTTA ASK, "Hey Guy, what kind of CBs do YOU use"?
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Wanted to say thanks to everyone here at trucking truth
I have a few questions, ive been reading some recents posts and theres something that's making me nervous. Im 26 years old, but this is my dream job and ive never wanted anything as bad as this. I hope my age wont be considered to young?
Absolutely NOT. Minimum age for Interstate is 21, Intrastate is 18. I'd be just slightly more concerned with the misdemeanor, however, it will probably be a non-issue.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Well this chapter of my life is over!
Way to go Ken C! What the h*** did you do to Daniel that got him to quit training?