Profile For reeferpullingmomma

reeferpullingmomma's Info

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    eddyville, KY

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    In CDL School

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reeferpullingmomma's Bio

im 21! country love the oldschool peterbilts and kws! 4rd generation truck driver. gypsy at heart. 2 daughters who are my life i pull a reefer, but love to pull a flat bed. ive driven a 10 speed since i was 16, not the bike. frieght shaker!

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Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Central, Prime, or Stevens? ??

Ive researched all 3. I thought I was going to Prime but got s call from central yesterday and tgey look very good. If you have thoughts that woukd be great. Ive done my pros and cons but im looking fir real world knowledge. Thanks.

im going through cdl school with central. be prepared for alot of confusion. the people are nice.. central was bpught out by swift but per instructors swift and central are not yet official and central will keep their regulations seperate from swift but swift has to approve. {like i said confusing stuff} if you dont have your cdls. the tda(truck driving school) is pretty easy. they pay for hotel and a ride. thats it. bring money for food i have two more test. my gen knowledge and the utah driving stuff. since you will get a utah license.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Im going to cdl school, and my boyfriend is a trucker. :( we arent in the same company

Day one and i already got a taste of the ****ery of trucking. if you got fb add me

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Packing: Any suggestions on what to take?


Sorry I was talking about while in class, I believe you'll be there 3 or 4 weeks. I always load the trunk of my car with things from home. I even have my motorcycle helmet, jacket, glasses, gloves, and gator for cold rides. You never know when a friend will offer you his back seat. I ride my own but enjoy riding with someone. I believe in being prepared.


There is no guarantee you will go home between the end of school and beginning of getting in a trainer truck. In fact its pretty much slim to none. You most likely will be going out right away. In the meantime there will be nowhere for you to stash the stuff you brought. Im all for being over preparred but as I stated before be prepared to sleep with everything you brought with you. I had too. Trainees in my truck do and almost all the guys I know had to too.

i might not go home after i get my own truck after school i was told. so i brought two bags. army style back packs. with a weeks worth of clothes, hoodies, jeans and shorts, flip flop tennis shoes, socks 2 towels. a light blanket, boots, sweats, tons of underwear, bc powder(amazing)!!!! and razors shampoo and conditioner. will be kinda disapointed that i cant get my dog as soon as i go solo, he goes everywhere with me

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Central and swift thoughts?

Oh man, best decision I've ever made was to go to Prime. Right before all of this started happening!

i had my license suspended for a day for not showing up to court(damn county ****ed up my ticket) and prime wouldnt hire me.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Central and swift thoughts?

Just to give you an idea of some of the changes that have happened since we started operating under Swift's policies, here's a few of the things that are, from talking to other drivers and my own experiences, ****ing us off the most:

Swift's fuel policies are WAY tighter than Central's were. When Swift says stop at the Flying J in Casper, WY and buy 86 gallons, they mean 86 gallons. The pump will shut off after that 86 gallons and you're not getting a drop more. Also, no more stopping to top off the reefer en route to a stop unless it's a scheduled fuel stop. Before, as long as it was an in-network location, we could stop to top off the reefer whenever and wherever we needed. Now, if you want to do that, you have to get somebody to unlock the pump using the Comdata merchant code. Which isn't so bad during regular business hours, but on nights or weekends it can take upwards of an hour to get hold of someone to do it. An hour. To make a 5 minute stop to fill the reefer. >:[

Swift's per diem program is...well, I'm not sure it's legal. Central's per diem paid 0.08 per mile per diem, which came off the top of the regular per mile rate. With Swift, they take 0.10 off the regular per mile rate, but only pay 0.085 per mile for per diem. Meaning they're keeping 0.15 of your pay per mile. Meaning that where I'm supposed to be making 0.33 per mile, I'm actually only being paid 0.315 per mile. >:[ And here's the really aggravating part, straight from their own per diem FAQ:

"Q: What happens to my 1.5 cents, why is my Per Diem rate 8.5 cents? A: There are costs incurred by Swift as a result of participating in Per Diem. The IRS disallows 30% of Swift’s tax deduction for Per Diem. Otherwise participation in Per Diem by Swift would negatively affect the company, making Per Diem costly to the company. This ensures that Per Diem stays a WIN/WIN situation, allowing for definite benefits for the drivers but not negatively impacting Swift."

Yes, that's right, they're saying that it would cost them too much to actually pay their drivers their full wages. >:[ Oddly enough, Central never had any problems with that...

Night and weekend coverage has become an absolute joke. Before, it might take a few minutes (up to maybe 15) to get a question or problem resolved. Now? You're lucky if it gets handled before your regular DM comes in Monday morning. I've literally sat on hold for 90 minutes waiting to try and get through to whoever's manning the ship at night, just to be hung up on before hearing a voice that wasn't recorded. Also, good luck getting a cargo claim handled. Swift eliminated all of Central's cargo claims personnel, and all of our cargo claims are now being handled by Swift's claims department in Phoenix. Which would be fine, if they didn't have to use a completely different protocol to process them and had a clue how to do it. I actually had one of their claims reps tell me "oh man, I don't, can you ask your fleet manager?" >:[

And Kathy isn't alone in her hometime woes. Last month it took them an extra 8 days to get me home. I live outside of Seattle. So where do they send me the day after I put in my hometime request? Southampton, MA. After that? Texas via New Hampshire. The month before that they tried calling me out of the house less than 24 hours after I'd gotten off the truck, claiming that's when they had me down as available. Um, how about no. I verified my PTA with my DM before getting off the truck, your system verified my PTA before I got off the truck, try again.

There are a bunch of other issues that pretty much have everyone's tighty whities in a twist right now, mostly dealing with Swift's macros and how they're making it 9000% harder to do our jobs, and how it seems like nobody on the Central side has an answer to any of our problems other than "just hang in there, things will get back to normal someday." But this should help give you some idea of the uphill battle we've been fighting the last 2 1/2 months. And for the record, I've been with Central for just about 2 1/2 years, so I have a pretty good working knowledge of how things were before all of this happened.

eh, no good. my friend who was o/o is making like 1000+ a week. he hasnt had a issue with central.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Im going to cdl school, and my boyfriend is a trucker. :( we arent in the same company

I was raised on the old school ways of trucking.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Im going to cdl school, and my boyfriend is a trucker. :( we arent in the same company

I work for WEL Companies out of DePere, WI. I enjoy being a trucker but you have to work twice as hard for the same recognition. I have been confused witb a lot lizzard, the cleaning lady, office staff, a dispatcher and a trucker girlfriend. The way you cary yourself out here is extremely important. Demand respect and you will get it.

eh. lol. working hard is no issue for me. ive done it all my life. when i get my own truck we should meet up, lunch or something.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Central and swift thoughts?

PS I see you live in KY as does special K and from her experience they rarely get her home as requested. Usually 3 plus days late. Also email Daniel B he just left there to go to Prime.

im still learning all this stuff on here. i know people who havent had issues. i was told by alot of the drivers cause there are lawsuits in place they havent completely signed over.

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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Central and swift thoughts?


anyone drive for these companies? how about the driving school? did you like them?


They are the same company. Swift bought out Central. They still drive different trucks but all rules and regulations are Swift.

they havent made the switch yet. central is still central. regs are different. i am going to work for central. i know abunch of the drivers. swift is into some stuff so they buddied with another company

Posted:  10 years, 10 months ago

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On my way to training: Optimistic with a touch of OMG...what did I just sign up for? soooo spoil yourself !!!!! But if I was girly girl...I guess I"d do the same....Flatbedding doesn't allow for long nails...unless they are stickin' out of an oak board !!! EX...glad to hear you are a lady biker....I'm a member of the Christian Motorcyclist Association...hope to see ya on the road !!!

NEVER BELIEVE what you hear on those whiney, btichy, they all dun me wrong truckin' sites !!!! I swear...theres nothing more pathetic than a trucker who thinks they have been wronged.....or fired.... or found out for the lay-around that they must be. Thats why TT is here...we don't whine,...well...not much...but we don't whine about trucking companies...cuz its mostly the driver who did themselves in....they just need to pull up their big boy/girl undies and get on with life....and LEARN from the mistake...whoever it belongs to.

Prime is a wonderful company....but it has a VERY intense training program...and there is no room for failure. They won't let you slide, or give you light work cuz you are a girl....So get ready to be"one of the guys".....But if I were to choose a company to drive for, Prime would be in my top 3....of course, I'd probably go with Redgator could train me !!shocked.png

i thought about going flat bed, my boyfriend does it. i like it. just i dont see it working out for me being 5' 5'' and 150 pounds. those tarps weigh as much as i do

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